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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                      card re-issues have deadlines four months before       electoral list. The voter card is punched, and the
                      Election Day.                                          voter’s right thumb is stained with indelible ink.

                      Mexicans abroad can register at Consulates         9.  Postal Vote Describe the system whether
                      around the world.                                    Electronic/Semi-electronic
                                                                             Nowadays postal vote is only available for
                  4.  Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo               residing abroad, but there is a pilot project that
                    Identity Card                                            would allow an Internet voting for those electors
                      Photo Voting Card                                      living outside of the country.

                                                                             Some states use Electronic voting (e-voting)
                                                                             system partially, mainly using a touch screen
                                                                             device, that prints a ticket with proper vote and
                                                                             drops it in a ballot box.
                                                                       (C) ELECTION CALENDAR

                                                                         1.  Last Election Dates
                                                                             1 July 2018 (General election)

                  5.  Voter turnout in last National Elections, (%)          2 June 2019 (Local election in some states)
                      63.42% (Presidential election July 2018)
                                                                         2.  Future Election Date
                  6.  Voting Method                                          7 June 2020 (Local election in two states)
                      Manual marking of ballot papers; Electronic voting     -postponed due Covid 19-
                      is used in some parts of the country
                                                                             6 June 2021 (National Chamber of Deputies and
                  7.  Audit Trail                                            local election in all states)
                      Activities of INE are permanently audited.
                                                                         3.  Compulsory Voting
                      INE is in charge of oversight political parties and    Voting is compulsory, but there are no formal
                      candidates money incomes and outcomes.                 sanctions

                  8.  Voting Process
                      The Election Day is scheduled on the first Sunday
                      of June, from 8:00 a. m. to 6 p. m. If there are
                      electors queuing, they are available to vote.
                      Electors must show her/his Photo voting card for
                      identity confirmation. Once verified in the voter
                      roll, the President of polling station hands her/him
                      the ballots or let the voter uses the electronic vote
                      For paper ballot, the voter marks the ballot in
                        secrecy and drops the ballot in a ballot box.
                      For Electronic voting (e-voting), polling station
                        officers turn on the device, elector vote mainly
                        using a touch screen device, that prints a ticket
                        with proper vote and drops it in a ballot box.
                      Thereafter, the Secretary of polling station writes   A Women casts her vote at a polling station on the outskirts
                      ‘voted’ against the name of the voter in the     of Oaxaca, Mexico

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