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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
2. Website Address such as being of an unsound mind, convicted or under a suspended sentence.
3. Nature of EMB The process is simple. Here’s how.
Step 1 – Visit Constituency Office
4. No. of Members in EMB Visit the EOJ office preferably in your
9 constituency. Constituency offices are open from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mondays to Thursdays and
5. Terms of office 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Fridays. If you have just
4 or 7 turned 18, you may be asked to show proof of
age, so bring your birth certificate with you. Click
6. EMB Members selected by here to find your constituency office.
step 2 – Personal Data collected
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority At the office, the registration clerk will assist
Half EMB you in filling out Registration Record Card also
known as the RRC. This form is used to record the
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
General elections elector’s demographic information, photograph,
and fingerprints.
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
Constitution of Jamaica (1962, last amended Step 3 – Residence Verification*
1999) After you have filled out the application, EOJ
representatives and scrutineers (political party
The Registration Of Electors (Prescribed Age) representatives) will visit your residence at a
Special Act
later date to verify the address you gave. The
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS registration process is not complete until your
residence has been verified.
1. Total Population as on
2.9 Million (Feb. 2019) step 4 – Await Processing
Once your address has been verified, your
2. Registered Electors as on Male Female application is processed. Your information
1.8 Million (Feb. 2016) is verified for accuracy and your fingerprints
are cross-matched to ensure there are no
3. Method of voter registration duplications.
Visit the EOJ office preferably in the constituency.
step 5 – ID card Issued
Every Jamaican citizen who possesses the When the registration process is complete, your
following qualifications is entitled to register to name is added to the voters’ list and your ID card
vote; will be issued, but only after the voters list has
been published. Depending on when you register,
Is a Jamaican citizen of eighteen years or over this may be May 31 or November 30.
and resident in Jamaica or
Your voters’ ID is used as a de facto national ID
Is a Commonwealth citizen who is eighteen
(18) years of age or older and who is resident (and in some cases internationally) accepted. Be
in Jamaica at the date of registration and who sure to take it with you on Election Day.
have been a resident for at least twelve months * The law requires that registration takes into
prior to the date of registration. account the place where you are ‘normally
Is not subjected to any legal incapacity to vote resident’. This means the place where you call
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