P. 185
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
home and it can be proven that you live there. If 7. Fold your ballot twice, as instructed by the
you have more than one residence, you will need Presiding Officer, to protect the secrecy of
to indicate the one in the constituency you prefer your vote, leaving the flap out. DO NOT SHOW
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo 8. Give the folded ballot to the Presiding Officer
Identity Card so that he or she can detach the flap.
Voters ID card 9. Dip your right index finger (pointer finger) in the
integrity ink and WATCH while your unopened
5. Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total, ballot is put in the ballot box.
54.42% 10. Once you have witnessed your ballot paper
being placed into the ballot box, your voting
6. Voting Method process is now complete, and you should leave
Manual marking of Ballots the vicinity in a peaceful manner.
Not implemented
1. Last Election Dates
8. Voting Process General elections were held in Jamaica on 25
1. Be sure to find out where exactly where you February 2016
are to vote BEFORE Election Day, that is, your 2. Future Election Date
specific polling station. Call or visit your EOJ General elections are scheduled to be held by
Constituency Office, or call the ECJ toll-free June 2021.
helpline at 1-888-991-VOTE (8683).
2. Present your Voters’ ID card and follow the 3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
instructions of the Presiding Officer. No
3. If you do not have your Voters’ ID card, you will 4. Compulsory Voting
still be allowed to vote once your name can be Voting is not compulsory
found on the Voters’ List, and your identity can
be confirmed. This, however, will take some
additional time, so be sure to take your Voters’
ID card with you.
4. If your polling station is using EVIBIS, that is
the Electronic Voter Identification and Ballot
Issuing System, you will be asked to place a
specific finger on a fingerprint scanner. Once
your identity has been verified, you will be
issued a ballot. The EVIBIS is only used in
certain constituencies, so it may or may not be
used at your polling location.
6. Once you have been issued a ballot by the
Presiding Officer go behind the voting booth
and CLEARLY mark an X for the candidate of
your choice in the space provided. Please also
be sure to use the pencil provided in the voting
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