P. 186


                                                   H.E. Dr. Lorenzo CÓRDOVA VIANELLO,
                                                 PresidentCouncillor (Consejero Presidente)

                PArt i                                                 11. Language (s)
                                                                             Spanish 92.7%, Spanish and other indigenous
                  CoUNtrY ProfiLE                                            language 5.7%, indigenous 0.8%, unspecified 0.8%

                  1.  Country Name                                           (2005)
                                                                       12. Literacy Rate
                  2.  Official Name                                          93.6% (2015)
                      UnitedMexicanStates (MEX; Spanish: Estados       PArt ii
                      Unidos Mexicanos)
                                                                         LEgisLAtivE sYstEM
                  3.  Government
                      Federal Presidential Republic
                  4.  Head of the Government
                      President – Andrés Manuel LópezObrador             1.  Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
                                                                             Honorable Congreso de la Unión: Senado de la
                  5.  Head of the State                                      República -Cámara alta- Cámara de Diputados
                      President – Andrés Manuel LópezObrador                 -Cámara baja-

                  6.  Capital                                                (Honorable Congress of the Union: Senate -Upper
                      Mexico City (Ciudad de México)                         Chamber- and Chamber of Deputies -Lower
                  7.  Currency
                      Mexican peso                                       2.  Total no. of members in each house elected/
                  8.  Ethnic Groups (with %age population)                   Senate: 128 members, elected for a six-year term,
                      Mestizo (Amerindian-Spanish) 62%, mostly               96 of them in three-seat state constituencies. and
                      Amerindian 21%, Other 10% (mostly European),           32 by proportional representation on a nationwide
                      Amerindian 7%.
                                                                             basis. In the state constituencies, two seats are
                  9.  Date of Independence and from which Country            awarded to the plurality winner and one to the first
                      16 September 1810 (declared independence from          runner-up.
                                                                             Chamber of Deputies: 500 members, elected
                      27 September 1821 (recognized by Spain)                for a three-year term, 300 of whom are elected
                                                                             in single-member constituencies by plurality
                10. Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution              vote, with the remaining 200 members elected
                      5 February 1917(most recent amendment 6                by proportional representation in five 40-seat
                      March 2020)                                            regional constituencies.

                * Draft. Updated by the respective EMB          NA-11  166

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