P. 190
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
3. Nature of EMB 8. Voting Process
Independent A voter has to vote for 6 positions and for each
position there are different ballot papers and
4. No. of Members in EMB ballot boxes. In order to avoid confusion, ballot
7 papers have a colour strip at the back and need to
be dropped in ballot boxes having the same colour
5. Terms of office
5 years strip. The six colour coded ballots for different
elections are: Black colour for President and Vice-
6. EMB Members selected by president; Coffee colour for National Deputies;
Legislature Dark blue colour for Departmental Deputies;
Purple colour for Mayors and Deputy Mayor;
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority Pink colour for Council Men; and Lead colour for
Legislature Parlacen Deputies.
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB The ballot paper contains box number of different
Presidential elections. parties, alliances of parties, etc. Below the box
number, it bears the acronym of the political
9. Parliamentary elections.
organization, the emblem and the name of
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS organization and in case of the ballots of the
President and Vice-president and for Mayor and
1. Total Population as on Vice-mayor, it has photo of the candidate. Below
6.3 Million (Feb. 2019) it appears a circle where voter has to mark her/his
preference. The ballot paper is then to be folded
2. Registered Electors as on Male Female and dropped into the corresponding ballot box.
3. Method of voter registration (C) ELECTION CALENDAR
age: 16
1. Last Election Dates
Nicaraguan citizenship, including naturalized General elections were held in Nicaragua on 6
citizens November 2016
residence in the country at the time of the 2. Future Election Date
election 2021
citizens overseas can vote under certain
conditions 3. Compulsory Voting
Voting is not compulsory. It is compulsory to be
full possession of civil and political rights on the voters’ register.
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
Identity Card
National ID card
5. Voter turnout in last National Elections:
6. Voting Method
Manual marking of Ballot papers
7. Audit Trail
Not implemented
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