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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  2.  Website Address                                    5.  Voting Method
                                 Manual marking of Ballot papers; E-voting on
                  3.  Nature of EMB
                      Independent                                        6.  Audit Trail
                                                                             Not implemented
                  4.  No. of Members in EMB
                      3                                                  7.  Voting Process
                                                                             In 2019 General Elections, the electronic voting
                  5.  Terms of office                                        system was used in the largest Voting Center
                      10 years                                               in Panama, ATLAPA Convention Center. This
                                                                             center had 52 tables, of which 10 of them voted
                  6.  EMB Members selected by
                      Legislature, government, Supreme Court                 electronically. In this event, the results were
                                                                             delivered between 4:30 p.m. and 5 p.m., so that at
                  7.  Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                     6 p.m., the board members were already leaving
                      EMB                                                    site, all the equipment had been collected, the
                                                                             acts and the Extraofficial Results Transmission
                  8.  Names of Elections conducted by EMB                    (TER) had been delivered.
                      Panamanian General Election
                                                                             In the manual system, Panama uses single
                  9.  Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                     ballot system. On poll day, voters cast their votes
                      Organic Law (Law 5 of March 9, 2016 - Organic          by means of ballot paper after going through
                      Law of the Electoral Tribunal)                         identification and other formalities as prescribed
                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        in the Electoral Law of Panama.
                                                                       (C) ELECTION CALENDAR
                  1.  Total Population as on
                      4.4 Million (Feb. 2019)                            1.  Last Election Dates
                                                                             General elections were held in Panama on 5 May
                  2.  Registered Electors as on                              2019.
                      2.7 Million (May 2019)
                                                                         2.  Future Election Date
                  3.  Method of voter registration                           In 2024
                      age: 18 years

                      Panamanian citizenship                            3.  Compulsory Voting
                                                                             Voting is voluntary, not mandatory.
                      full possession of civil and political rights
                  4.  Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,

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