P. 187
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
PArt iii 2. Registered Electors as on Male Female
90 Million (March 2020)
46.6 Million women (52%) 43.3 Million men (48%)
(A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy 3. Method of voter registration
Age 18 years.
1. Name of the EMB(S)
The National Electoral Institute (Instituto Nacional Individuals must register in person at special INE
Electoral, INE for its acronym in Spanish) offices around their states. Applicants provide a
signature, fingerprint, and photograph in order to
2. Website Address obtain the “Photo voting card”, created after the
electoral reforms of 1992, and the most common
3. Nature of EMB ID for Mexican citizens.
Independent To receive the voting card an individual must
4. No. of Members in EMB provide an original, un-altered document from
11 (10 electoral councillors and the President each of the following three categories: 1)
Councillor) Evidence of citizenship—either an original birth
certificate or a naturalization certificate or, in
5. Terms of office exceptional situations, a CURP unique ID card
9 years if the birth certificate is already digitized [in the
civil registry]; 2) A photo ID (no older than 10
6. EMB Members selected by years)—including either a passport; driver’s
Elected by Chamber of Deputies (Two thirds) license; military service record; nationality
certificate; professional certificate; certificate of
7. Names of Elections conducted by EMB naturalization or Mexican nationality; consular
National level elections, political parties’ elections registration with holograph stripe; diploma,
(on demand) and collaborate for local elections.
professional title, or school transcript; expired
8. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the Photo Voting Card; or two witness identifying
Electoral Process in the country themselves with fingerprints and their photo
At national level, the Electoral Tribunal of the voting cards 3) proof of residence— either a tax
Federal Judiciary (judicially electoral authority) receipt, utility bill, bank statement, department
and the Special Prosecution Office for Electoral store account statement, rent contract, certified
Crimes (prosecution of electoral crimes). copy of deed of real property, or two witnesses as
Additionally, each state has its own EMB and its above. All documents used are scanned by INE
own electoral tribunal. and returned to citizens. Photo voting cards are
delivered to citizens approximately 20 days after
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) application submissions. Once the voter card is
General Law on Electoral Institutions and ready, the individual must present two fingerprints
Procedures, and sign to receive the card. If the individual does
General Law on Political Parties, not come for their card, the INE will send up to
Referendum Law, four notices (although the law accounts for three
Elections Law, among others notices), and the application becomes invalid after
one year. The citizens who do not pick up their
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS card in the allotted time will be removed from
the voter registry. The Photo Voting card is valid
1. Total Population as on for 10 years. Citizens could renewed at any time
11.9 Million (2015) during the year; although however, renewals and
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