P. 193

puerto riCo**

                                                         H.E. Juan E. Davila Rivera,
                                                             President, CEEPR

                PArt i                                                 11. Language (s)
                                                                             Spanish, English
                  CoUNtrY ProfiLE
                                                                       12. Literacy Levels
                  1.  Country Name
                      PUERTO RICO                                      PArt ii

                  2.  Official Name                                      LEgisLAtivE sYstEM
                      Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
                  3.  Government
                      Presidential Democracy; a self-governing           1.  Structure of National Legislature
                      commonwealth in political association with the         Bicameral
                                                                         2.  Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
                  4.  Head of the Government                                 Senate and House of Representatives

                  5.  Head of the State                                  3.  Total no. of members in each house elected/
                  6.  Capital                                                The President is elected by popular vote to serve
                      San Juan                                               a 4-year term. Governor is elected by popular vote
                                                                             to serve a 4-year term. In the Senate 27 members
                  7.  Currency                                               are elected by popular vote to serve 4-year terms.
                      United States Dollar                                   In the House of Representatives 51 members are
                                                                             elected by popular vote to serve 4-year terms
                  8.  Ethnic Groups (with %age population)
                      White 75.8%, black/African American 12.4%, other     4.  Popular House
                      8.5% (includes American Indian, Alaskan Native,        Senate and House of Representatives
                      Native Hawaiian, other Pacific Islander, and
                      others), mixed 3.3% (2010 est.)                  PArt iii
                                                                         ELECtorAL sYstEM
                  9.  Date of Independence and from which Country
                      none (territory of the US with commonwealth
                      status)                                          (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy

                10. Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution          1.  Name of the EMB(S)
                      25 July 1952                                           ComisiónEstatal de Elecciones de Puerto

                **Draft. EMB has been requested to update the draft. Response awaited.  NA-14  173

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