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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
2. Website Address 7. Audit Trail Not implemented
3. Nature of EMB 8. Voting Process
Independent At the polling place, a voter has to present her/his
relevant identification documents to the polling
4. No. of Members in EMB officials. Upon confirmation, the voter receives a
5 ballot paper and is directed towards a designated
place to vote in secret.
5. Terms of office
6 years The voter has to clearly mark the ballot with an
‘X’, a circle or other appropriate signs, to vote for
6. EMB Members selected by her/his choice of candidate. The voter then has
Legislature to deposit the ballot in a ballot box .Once the vote
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority has been casted, polling officials mark the index
EMB finger of the voter’s right hand with indelible ink.
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
Presidential elections 1. Last Election Dates
General elections were held in Guatemala on June
9. Parliamentary elections
16, 2019 (first round) , August 11, 2019 (second
2. Future Election Date
1. Total Population as on In 2023
17.5 Million (Feb. 2019)
3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
2. Registered Electors as on No
8.1 Million (Aug. 2019)
4. Compulsory Voting
3. Method of voter registration No, Abolished in 1990
To register to vote in Guatemala one must obtain
a national identity card called a “Documento
Personal de Identificación” (DPI) from the
National Registry of People (“Registro Nacional de
Personas” or “RENAP”). To get the DPI one must
provide an Ornate Ballot (Boleto de Ornato) from
the current year or an original birth certificate to
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
Identity Card
“Documento Personal de Identificación” (DPI)
5. Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,
6. Voting Method An indigenous woman casts her vote during a runoff election
Manual marking of Ballots in Santa Cruz Chinautla, Guatemala.
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