P. 177
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
4 No. of Members in EMB 6. Voting Method
5 Manual marking of Ballots
5. Terms of office 7. Audit Trail
5 years Not implemented
6. EMB Members selected by 8. Voting Process
Legislature At the polling station, a voter is required to furnish
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority relevant identification documents to the polling
Legislature officers. Upon confirmation, the voter gets a ballot
paper and is directed towards a designated place
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB to vote in secret. The voter then has to mark the
Municipal and Councils elections, ballot clearly to indicate her/his choice of party/
Parliamentary elections candidate. The ballot is dropped into a ballot box.
9. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the After the voter completes casting her/his ballot, s/
Electoral Process in the country he is marked with a visible indelible ink, preferably
Julio Alfredo OlivoGranadino on the thumb of the right hand.
Luis Guillermo Wellman Carpio (C) ELECTION CALENDAR
Ruben AtilioMeléndez Garcia
Noel Antonio OrellanaOrellana 1. Last Election Dates
Presidential elections were held in El Salvador
10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) on 3 February 2019.
Código Electoral de El Salvador
Legislative elections were held in El Salvador on
2. Future Election Date
1. Total Population as on
6.4 Million (Feb. 2019) Presidential elections will be held in El Salvador
in 2021.
2. Registered Electors as on
5.2 Million (Feb. 2019) Legislative elections will be held in El Salvador
in 28 February 2021.
3. Method of voter registration
Since 2000 registration in El Salvador has been 3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
automatic after a citizen obtains a Single Identity No
Document (DocumentoÚnico de Identidad, or DUI), 4. Advance Voting
618 which is valid for five years. The Constitution Yes
establishes the duty of citizens to register 5. Compulsory Voting
themselves at the National Registry of Natural No
Persons (Registro National de las Personas
Naturales, or RNPN) which issues the DUI.620 The 6. El Salvador Voter Registration Form and ID Card:
electoral tribunal prepares the electoral register,
using data taken from the list of DUI’s of eligible
voters in the National Register of Persons
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
Identity Card
Single Identity Document (DocumentoÚnico de
Identidad, or DUI
5. Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,
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