P. 178


                                                   H.E. Lic. Julio René Solórzano Barrios,
                                                             Chairperson, TSE

                PArt i                                                 11. Language (s)
                                                                             Spanish (official)
                  CoUNtrY ProfiLE
                                                                       12. Literacy Levels
                  1.  Country Name
                      GUATEMALA                                        PArt ii
                  2.  Official Name                                      LEgisLAtivE sYstEM
                      Republic of Guatemala

                  3.  Government                                       LEGISLATURE
                      Presidential Republic
                                                                         1.  Structure of National Legislature
                  4.  Head of the Government                                 Unicameral
                      President – Alejandro Giammattei
                                                                         2.  Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
                  5.  Head of the State                                      Congreso de la Republica
                      President – Alejandro Giammattei
                                                                         3.  Total no. of members in each house elected/
                  6.  Capital                                              nominated
                      Guatemala City                                         158 members of the Congreso de la Republica
                                                                             (Congress of the Republic) are elected through
                  7.  Currency                                               closed-list proportional representation system
                      Guatemalan quetza
                                                                         4.  Popular House
                  8.  Ethnic Groups (with %age population)                   Congreso de la Republica
                      mestizo (mixed Amerindian-Spanish - in local
                      Spanish called Ladino) and European 60.1%, Maya     5.  Type of Electoral System
                      39.3% (K’iche 11.3%, Q’eqchi 7.6%, Kaqchikel 7.4%,     Party-list proportional representation
                      Mam 5.5%, other 7.5%), non-Maya, non-mestizo     PArt iii
                      0.15% (Xinca (indigenous, non-Maya), Garifuna
                      (mixed West and Central African, Island Carib, and   ELECtorAL sYstEM
                      Arawak)), other 0.5% (2001 est.)

                  9.  Date of Independence and from which Country      (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy
                      15 September 1821 (from Spain)
                                                                         1.  Name of the EMB(S)
                10. Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution              Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) (Supreme
                      14 January 1986                                        Electoral Tribunal)

                **Draft. EMB has been requested to update the draft. Response awaited.  NA-8  158

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