P. 294

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                (C) ELECTION CALENDAR                                        with the voter along with another officer, inquires
                                                                             from the voter and  marks  the vote  according  to
                  1.  Last Elections Dates                                   will of the voter in front of the other officer, as has
                      17 August 2015                                         been done at previous elections, though there is no
                                                                             mention in the Act, of such situation.
                  2.  Future Election Calendar
                      31 December 2020                                   2.  STUDENTS’ PARLIAMENT

                  3.  Are there any fixed election days/dates
                  4.  Compulsory Voting

                  5.  Election Logo & Slogan

                                                                             The Election Commission observed that it was a
                                                                             need of the day to educate the students learning
                                                                             in secondary schools about democracy and uni-
                                                                             versal franchise. This was included as a program
                PArt iv                                                      in the Four Year Strategic Plan 2017/2020 of the
                                                                             Commission and steps were taken to create “Civic
                 sUPPLEMENtArY                                               Education Circles” in secondary schools with the
                 iNforMAtioN                                                 assistance of the Ministry of Education. This sub-
                                                                             ject was discussed at a meeting held in July 2016
                                                                             at the Ministry of Education with Secretary of the
                  1.  SPECIAL VOTERS (WITH DISABILITIES AND                  Ministry and other senior officials of the Ministry.
                    SPECIAL NEEDS)                                           At the meeting the Commission agreed to contrib-
                      Senior  Presiding  Officer  or  any  other  officer  on   ute towards the Students’ Parliament implement-
                      his behalf, will explain only the manner of voting     ed island wide under the guidance of the Ministry
                      to  those  voters  who  could  see  but  do  not  know   Education in place of the Civic Education Circles,
                      how to mark a ballot paper. The voters who cannot      because the circular issued by the Ministry of Ed-
                      mark the paper with his/ her hand due to blindness     ucation  has  clearly  included  democracy,  its  im-
                      or physical disability are allowed to accompany a      portance, franchise, importance of exercising the
                      person to the polling station. These voters should     franchise and the Commission found that student
                      bring a letter issued by the Grama Niladhari and       could be educated through this instrument.
                      certified by Government Medical Officer. After duly
                      establishing the identity of the voter, the assisting   As an initial step a pilot project was implemented
                      person of the voter can mark the vote at the cubicle   to educate students on democracy and universal
                      in front of the Senior Presiding Officer and another   franchise in selected schools in Kandy and Ampa-
                      member of the poll staff. When a visually impaired     ra districts.
                      voter is not accompanied with an assisting person
                      the Senior Presiding Officer will go to the cubicle

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