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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  3.  Nature of EMB                                          shall provide the EO with the biometrics data of the
                      Independent                                            affected  voter/s.  In  the  absence  thereof,  the  ITD
                                                                             shall provide the EO with the necessary acccess
                  4.  No. of Members in EMB                                  code for the updating and recapturing of the vot-
                      7                                                      er’s biometrics data in accordance with the pro-
                                                                             cedures in Minute Resolution No. 14-0597 dated
                  5.  Terms of office
                      7 Years                                                August 19, 2014.
                                                                       13. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
                  6.  EMB Members selected by
                      President                                            Identity Card
                                                                             Voters Identification Card
                  7.  Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
                      President                                        14. Voter turnout in last National Elections
                  8.  Names of Elections conducted by EMB
                      National and Local Elections                     15. Voting Method
                                                                             Manual marking of Ballots with electronic counting
                  9.  Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                     of votes
                      Created by a 1940 amendment to the 1935 Con-     16. Voting Process
                                                                             The poll commences at 6 am and closes at 5 pm.
                10. Total Population                                         A voter’s name is checked in the voter list, finger is
                      Total:  108  Million  (estimate  as  of  4/13/2020)    checked for indelible ink and identity is confirmed.
                      *Based  on  the  Population  Projections  from  the    A ballot paper and a marking pen are issued. The
                      2015 Census of Population                              voter fills the ballot and feeds the ballot paper into
                                                                             a Vote Counting Machine (VCM). A receipt is print-
                      Male:  54.3  Million  (50.1%)  Female:  54.1  Million   ed for the voter to verify the accuracy of her/his
                      (49.9%)                                                vote and place it in a receptacle placed near the
                                                                             VCM.VCMs  transmit  results  electronically  with
                11. Registered Electors                                      printed copies and secure digital cards physically
                      Total: 62 Million (May, 2019)
                                                                             as a backup in case of non-transmission.
                12. Method of voter registration                       17. Method of Electoral Dispute
                      Upate the Voting History of the registered voters      Original  jurisdiction  for  pre-election  cases  and
                      based  on  the  Election  Day  Computerized  Voters    post-election  petitions  at  the  regional,  provincial
                      List  (EDCVL)  used  during  the  two  (2)  preceding   and city levels belongs with COMELEC, which also
                                                                             has appellate jurisdiction over  rulings of  the trial
                      Using  the  Voter’s  Registration  Machines  (VRMs)    courts. Contests  involving the president  or vice
                      verify the completeness of the biometrics data and     president  are  determined  by  the  Supreme  Court
                      correctness  of the  demographics data  including      (sitting as the Presidential Election Tribunal).When
                      the nature/type of applications based on the ap-       a contest involves members of the House of Rep-
                      proved Voter’s Registration Records (VRRs).            resentatives  or  the  Senate,  an  adjudicatory  body
                                                                             consisting  of  3  members  of  the  Supreme  Court
                      In the event of corrupted biometrics data (photo-      and 6 members of the respective legislative body
                      graph, fingerprint, and signature), a request shall be   has jurisdiction as either the House of Represen-
                      submitted to the Election and Barangay Affairs De-     tatives Electoral Tribunal or Senate Electoral Tribu-
                      partment (EBAD) thru Information Technology De-        nal (SET). Within COMELEC, post-election disputes
                      partment (ITD) for the recapturing of the corrupted    are handled by the Election Complaints and Adju-
                      voter’s biometrics data. If the corrupted biometrics   dication Department (ECAD), election offenses of
                      data is available in the Central Database, the ITD     a  potentially  criminal  nature  are  investigated  by

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