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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
under different acts provided in each election. It is
clearly stated that if anybody has any issue they
can file petition with the court. In the constitution,
there is a special chapter on elections, which clear-
ly gives direction and power to the Election Com-
mission to act independently.
11. Voter Education system for different category of
voters Best Practices
The Election Commission of Sri Lanka developed a
strategic approach to bolster voter education and
address other issues being faced in the electoral
field. Not only did they integrate inclusive voter ed-
ucation throughout their Strategic Plan to further
institutionalise electoral integrity in time for na-
tional elections in 2020, but also ensured that “no
qualified elector is left behind” in their 2016 voter
registration drive.
This strategic plan includes:-
a. implementing a nationwide citizen education
program on existing election laws and proce-
b. regularizing the use of SMS and social media
platforms to distribute voter education messag-
c. training CSOs to conduct outreach on citizens’
voting rights and responsibilities 12. Voter Assistance Poster
d. developing and distributing a wider array of voter In 2018, the Election Commission of Sri Lanka (EC)
education materials and the International Foundation for Electoral Sys-
tems (IFES) produced a poster on assisting voters
e. co-sponsoring Governance and Elections with disabilities during elections.
(BRIDGE) training, with international participa-
tion, to develop its voter education strategy and
strengthen participants’ ability to deliver their 13. Pictures of Electoral Processes/Voter Education
own voter education trainings.
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