P. 298

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                      and post the report on the bulletin board outside      cies and new  immigrants groups  to encourage
                      the station and then designates a courier to deliver   them to work in the polling station.
                      the station results to the township (city or district)
                      electoral operation centers, so the results can be     The  CEC produced  a  voting easy  read guidebook
                      entered into a centralized computing system.           for people with a reading disabilities or intellectual
                  8.  Postal Vote
                      None                                             (C) ELECTION CALENDAR

                  9.  Voter Education system                             1.  Last Elections Dates
                      To  encourage  voters  cast  vote,  the  CEC  com-     11 Jan. 2020
                      piles Election  Bulletins  and  produce  video  clips     2.  Future Election Calendar
                      and posters to advertise on TV, internet, radio and    2022
                      newspapers, etc. to publicize the voting date, time,
                      voting process and relevant information.           3.  Are there any fixed election days/dates
                      To facilitate new immigrants to integrate into Tai-
                      wanese society and understand the electoral sys-    4.  Compulsory Voting
                      tem and voting method, the CEC made video clips        No
                      in English, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai and Cam-
                      bodia, etc. to  promote new immigrants go vote.
                      Meanwhile, the mock voting were conducted. The
                      CEC also  works with  relevant  government  agen-

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