P. 295
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
3. Objectives of Students’ Parliament The Election Commission will support the Minis-
Creating a wide knowledge on basic concepts of try of Education in the following activities to ed-
democracy and their practice ucate children on the basic concepts of democ-
Providing practical opportunities to reach com- racy and their practice.
mon objectives of national education and com- 1. Awareness on democracy and universal fran-
mon skills chise
Implementing a national program in schools to 2. Student representatives will be elected to the
create peace and reconciliation in accordance Students’ Parliament in the following manner
with the recommendations of the report of the Calling for nominations
Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission
Conducting the poll
Involving school children directly on the task of
nation building and regional and national devel- Counting of votes and election of student repre-
opment sentatives
Developing leadership skills of school children The new generation will get opportunity to frame
an idea and experience on democracy
Promoting the effective and active skills expect-
ed to be developed within the School Community
theoretically and practically through the subject
of Civic Education
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