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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
5. Terms of office the 1st of June of the relevant year, are eligible to
5 Years be registered as elector.
6. EMB Members selected by 4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
By the President with the recommendation of the Identity Card
Constitutional Council. National Identity Card
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
President 77.66%
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB 6. Voting Method
Presidential, Parliamentary, Provincial, Local Au- Manual marking of Ballots
thorities Elections
7. Voting Process
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation (s): The counterfoil of the ballot paper mentions seri-
Parliamentary Elections Act, No. 1 of 1981 al number of the voter. The ballot paper is handed
over to the voter and is directed towards the cubi-
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS cle to ensure secrecy of vote. S(he) then marks the
letter ‘X’ or the figure ‘1’ opposite the symbol and
1. Total Population the name of the candidate of choice on the ballot
Total: 21.2 Million (Oct., 2019) paper. A voter has to specify and mark preference
Male: 10.4 Million Female: 10.8 Million as figure ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, etc. if there are more than three
candidates at an election, opposite the symbol and
2. Registered Electors the name of the candidate
15 Million
8. Postal Vote
3. Method of voter registration The postal voting facility provided to:
Registration of electors under the Registration of State officers who would be engaged in election
Electors Act No 44 of 1980 duties
Registration of electors and the revision of the Officers and servants engaged in essential ser-
electoral register are carried out annually. The vices
Commission appoints District Secretaries / Gov-
ernment Agents of each district as Registration Of- Personnel of three services, police and Civil De-
ficers, and the Deputy/ Senior Assistant/ Assistant fence Force engaged in security duties in all over
Commissioners of election (Assistant Registration the island
Officers) operate and administer the revision un- 9. Method of electoral Dispute resolution
der their supervision. Registration Officer appoints National Investigation and Complaint Manage-
Enumeration Officers to visit house to house and ment Center is established at the Election Sec-
collect information. Householders are expected retariat for every election. The Center is a joint
to fill the enumeration form (BC form) correctly. mission of senior civil officials and police officials.
The Grama Niladhari, the state officer at the vil- They operate it from the head office and has re-
lage level, carries out the enumeration and special gional powered representatives at the regional lev-
enumerators are appointed to the urban areas (eg. el. Direct intervention to violence through police,
Colombo and Negombo Municipal areas) where complaint management, dispute resolution, com-
the enumeration is complex. Special enumerators plaint recording and making recommendations to
are government officers serving in various gov- the election management bodies are the key func-
ernment departments. All Sri Lanka citizens who tion of this center.
are not subject to any disqualifications mentioned
above and who have completed 18 years of age on There is a provision for complaints and petitions
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