P. 291

sri lanka**

                                                         H.E. Mahinda Deshapriya,
                                                      Chairman, Election Commission

                PArt i                                                 PArt ii

                  CoUNtrY ProfiLE                                        LEgisLAtivE sYstEM

                  1.  Official Name                                    LEGISLATURE
                      Social Republic of Sri Lanka
                                                                         1.  Structure of National Legislature
                  2.  Government                                             Unicameral
                                                                         2.  Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
                  3.  Head of State Designation                              Parliament
                      President Mahinda Maithripala SIRISENA
                                                                         3.  Total no. of members in each house elected/
                  4.  Head of government Designation                       nominated
                      President Mahinda Maithripala SIRISENA                 225 members are elected by open list proportional
                                                                             representation in the Parliament
                  5.  Capital
                      Colombo                                            4.  Popular House
                  6.  Currency
                      Sri Lanka Rupee (LKR)                              5.  Type of Electoral System
                                                                             Open List Proportional Representation
                  7.  Ethnic Groups (with %age population)
                      Sinhalese  (74%),Tamils  (18%),  Moor7%,  Burgher,   PArt iii
                      Malay, and Vedda 1%
                                                                         ELECtorAL sYstEM
                  8.  Date of Independence
                      4 February 1948 (from UK)                        (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy

                  9.  Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution        1.  Name of the EMB(S)
                      31 August 1978                                         Election Commission

                10. Language (s)                                         2.  Website Address
                      Sinhala and Tamil (Official)                 

                11. Literacy Levels                                      3.  Nature of EMB
                      Male: 92.98 %      Female: 90.97 %                     Independent
                      Total: 91.9% (2017)
                                                                         4.  No. of Members in EMB
                      (Source-              3

                **Draft. EMB has been requested to update the draft. Response awaited.  AS-18  271

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