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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
3. A single non-transferable vote system is adopt- (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS
ed for lowland and highland Indigenous Legis-
lator elections. The three candidates with the 1. Total Population
most number of votes are elected. Total: 23.6 Million (Mar. 2020)
Male: 11.7 Million Female: 11.9 Million
4. Only political parties that received 5% or more
votes in legislator-at-large elections for the Leg- 2. Registered Electors
islator Yuan quality to occupy the available seats, Total: 19.3 Million
with the number of seats based on percentages
of votes. Legislators-at-large are chosen in ac- 3. Method of voter registration
cordance with the candidate lists provided by Taiwan has a comprehensive household regis-
these political parties. Women must fill at least tration system. The compilation of voter lists are
of the seats won by each party. handled by the Household Registration Offices 20
days prior to the Election Day. Citizens do not have
to register to vote – with the exception of citizens
PArt iii residing overseas during the Presidential and Vice
ELECtorAL sYstEM Presidential election.
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
National Id Card (Digital)
1. Name of the EMB(S)
Central Election Commission 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
2. Website Address 74.9% (2020 Presidential Election) 6. Voting Method
3. Nature of EMB Manual marking of Ballots
Independent 7. Voting Process
4. No. of Members in EMB (i) Polling
11 Polling starts at 8 a.m. and closes at 4 p.m. on
Election Day. Upon reaching the polling station, a
5. Terms of office voter has to present her/his National Identity Card
4 Years to the polling officials. On confirmation, the voter
6. EMB Members selected by gets ballot papers, which are colored according to
Each member of the CEC is nominated and, with the election types. On the ballot, a voter is required
the consent of the Legislative Yuan, appointed by to mark a circle, with the help of a tool prepared by
the Premier of the Executive Yuan. the election commission, in the ‘select’ column of a
candidate/political party of her/his choice.
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
The chairperson is nominated and, with the con- (ii) Vote Counting
sent of the Legislative Yuan, appointed by the Pre- After the poll closes, all polling stations are rear-
mier of the Executive Yuan. ranged for vote counting. To get a vote count, sta-
tion staffs are required to take each ballot out of
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB the box one by one consecutively, read the vote
National and Local Elections out loud, and display it to the attending public wit-
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) nesses. Seats for the witnesses must also be set
Civil Servants Election And Recall Act up accordingly.
Presidential and Vice Presidential Election and After the counting at stations is completed, man-
Recall Act agers compile a report in-writing of the results
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