P. 302
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
PArt ii 7. Voting Process
Timorese electoral authorities (CNE & STAE), for
ELECtorAL sYstEM the first time in 2017, conducted elections free
from international assistance. Votes are casted by
(A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy means of ballot papers. Each polling station has
a team of 5 electoral officers, i.e. President, Iden-
1. Name of the EMB(S) tification verification officer, Ballot paper control-
National Commission for Elections (CNE) ler, Ballot box controller and Queue controller. The
ballot paper is printed in white, smooth, non trans-
2. Website Address parent paper. Each ballot paper contains name of
the candidates and their colour photographs laid
3. Nature of EMB horizontally. A voter needs to carry voting card on
Mixed Election Day. In the absence of voting card, voter
may exercise her/his vote by showing old voting
4. No. of Members in EMB card or any other official document containing a
15 recent photograph.
5. Terms of office 8. Method of electoral Dispute resolution
6 Years Electoral Crime Law in Timor-Leste Penal Code
6. EMB Members selected by 9. Voter Education system/Electoral system pictures
President, Legislature, Judiciary, Other organisa- Voter-education posters, supported by The Asia
tions Foundation, encouraging women and men to vote
in the August 30, 2001, Constituent Assembly elec-
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority tions.
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
Presidential, Parliamentary Elections
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
1. Total Population
Total: 1.3 App Million (Oct., 2019)
Male: 0.66 Million (app) Female: 0.64 Million (app)
2. Registered Electors
3. Method of voter registration
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
Identity Card
Voter Card
5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
6. Voting Method
Manual marking of Ballots
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