P. 307
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
PArt iii Electoral Systems (IFES) and the United Nations
Development Program (UNDP), in 2013, the Yeme-
ELECtorAL sYstEM ni Supreme Committee for Elections and Referen-
dum (SCER) chose the solution to biometric voter
(A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy registration from technology through international
companies specializing in this technology Where
1. Name of the EMB(S) the system was distinguished by the ability to re-
Supreme Committee for Election and Referendum cord and match the ten fingerprints and the face
(SCER) recognize matching , and it was expected that 12
million voters would be registered under this BVR
2. Website Address system for elections. SCER started implement
system in one electoral district as pilot test for
3. Nature of EMB system efficiency at may 2014 , after this stage
Independent SCER started final preparation for full voter regis-
tration , before starting voter registration , The war
4. No. of Members in EMB broke out in Yemen that is still going on until now,
9 Members which led to the cessation of all planned activities
of the Supreme Committee for Elections and Ref-
5. Terms of office erendum. Stability, political accommodation, and
4 Years security arrangements is main factors for any de-
mocracy activities.
6. EMB Members selected by
The President of the Republic from among a list of The Supreme Committee for Elections and Refer-
15 members nominated by the Parliament in ac- endum chose the electronic electoral registration
cordance with Article 9 of the Electoral Law system with biometrics fingerprints and face to
establish an electoral record that is trusted by all
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
The SCER members elect from among them a political parties and thus reduce the number of
chairman and of the SCER and a vice chairman of electoral disputes, encourage and assist citizens in
the committee the voting process, and enhance public confidence
in Yemeni democratic institutions..
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
Presidential, Parliamentary, and local council elec- 4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
tions , Constitutional referendums Identity Card
Voter Identification Card
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
The main election law is the General Election Law 75.98%
No. 13 of 2001
6. Voting Method
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS Manual marking of Ballots
1. Total Population 7. Voting Process
Total: 30 Million (approx.) (Oct. 2019) Upon entering the polling station, a voter is re-
Male: 15 Million Female: 14.9 Million quired to submit her/his voter registration card to
2. Registered Electors the election committee. On confirmation, the voter
Total: 10.2 Million (Feb., 2012) gets a ballot slip and is directed towards a special-
ly designated booth to vote in secret. The ballot slip
3. Method of voter registration features the logos of all the candidates running for
Biometric voter registration system, worked on in office. The voter then has to mark the ballot slip
partnership with the International Foundation for and put it in a ballot box. Voters who are blind or
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