P. 304


                                                           H.E. M. Abdusalomov,

                PArt i                                                 PArt ii

                  CoUNtrY ProfiLE                                        LEgisLAtivE sYstEM

                  1.  Official Name                                    LEGISLATURE
                      Ozbekiston Respublikasi
                                                                         1.  Structure of National Legislature
                  2.  Government                                             Bicameral
                      Republic authoritarian presidential rule, with little
                      power outside the executive branch                 2.  Names of the Houses
                                                                             Supreme  Assembly  (Oliy  Majlis)  consist  s  of-
                  3.  Head of State Designation                              Senate
                      President Shavkat MIRZIYOYEV
                                                                             The Legislative Chamber (Qonunchilik Palatasi)
                  4.  Head of government Designation
                      Prime Minister Abdulla ARIPOV                      3.  Total no. of members in each house elected/
                  5.  Capital                                                The Supreme Assembly (OliyMajlis) has 150 mem-
                      Tashkent                                               bers in the Legislative Chamber, elected for a five-
                                                                             year  terms  and  100  members  in  the  Senate;  84
                  6.  Currency                                               members  elected  at  the  sessions  of  district,  re-
                      Sorum                                                  gional and city deputies, and 16 members appoint-
                  7.  Ethnic Groups (with %age population)                   ed by the president.
                      Uzbek  80%,  Russian,  5.5%,  Tajik  5%,  Kazakh3%,     4.  Popular House
                      Karakalpak 2.5% Tatar 1.5%, other 2.5%                 Oliy Majlis / Supreme Assembly

                  8.  Date of Independence                               5.  Type of Electoral System
                      1 September 1991 (From the USSR)                       Absolute Majority Vote in Single member Constit-

                  9.  Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution            uency
                      8 December 1992                                  PArt iii
                10. Language (s)                                         ELECtorAL sYstEM

                11. Literacy Levels                                    (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy
                      Male:  99.99%        Female: 99.98%
                      Total: 99.99%(2015)                                1.  Name of the EMB(S)
                                                                             Central  Election  Commission  of  the  Republic  of
                      (Source-           Uzbekistan (CEC)

                **Draft. EMB has been requested to update the draft. Response awaited.  AS-22  284

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