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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
4. No. of Members in EMB the electoral rolls, voters cast their votes at spec-
5 ified polling stations. Since the election for both
National and Provincial Assembly constituencies
5. Terms of office are held on the same day, the voter is issued two
5 Years separate ballot papers. When an elector visits the
polling station to vote, the Presiding Officer asks
6. EMB Members selected by
President, Prime Minister, Legislature for identification proof and confirms the identity.
After confirmation, a ballot paper is issued to the
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority elector. The voter is required to mark the ballot
President, Prime Minister, Legislature paper in the screened off compartment to ensure
secrecy of vote.
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
Presidential, Parliamentary, Local Elections 8. Method of electoral Dispute resolution
The Election Commission appoints Election Tribu-
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) nals for the trial and disposal of Election Petitions.
These are laid down under Section 57 of Electoral
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS Act, 1976. However, if a person is aggrieved or not
satisfied with the performance of the Election Tri-
1. Total Population bunals, he can approach the Election Commission
Total: 207 Million (Oct., 2019) of transfer of his election petition to any other tri-
Male: 105 Million Female: 102 Million bunal. An appeal can be filed against the decision
2. Registered Electors of Election Tribunal in High Court and Supreme
Total: 106 Million (Aug., 2018) Court within 30 days. However, if the complainant
is not satisfied with the decision of High Court, he
3. Method of voter registration may approach Supreme Court for the redressal of
The data collection system is also manual and his grievance.
the Election Commission sends their representa- 9. Voter Education System
tives to each home before the Election. The rep- The Vote Education in Pakistan involves the fol-
resentatives distribute registration forms at every lowing:-
home and after a few days they collect the forms. Holding of awareness and orientation sessions
But there is no way to send information to voters, in colleges and universities through Debates,
either which voter number is used by the Election Cultural and Sports activities.
Commission, or a confirmation of the registration.
WAPDA: Printing voter education messages on
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo the Electricity bills like “NAB’s message.
Identity Card SUI GAS: VE messages on the Sui Gas bills PTCL:
There are two types of Identity card in Pakistan Printing VE message on the Phone bills messag-
CNIC and SNIC. CNIC is Urdu version computer- es.
ized card and SNIC is Pakistan’s first national elec-
tronic identity card. Displays of ECP’s banners on the Key Junctions
and prominent spots of toll-Plazas. Sticking
5. Voter turnout in last National Elections ECP’s messages – Stickers at the back of Public
50.14% Transport, Flyers etc.
6. Voting Method Contact with the Admin wing of WIFA-QUL-
Manual marking of Ballots MADARIS for issuance of instructions of inclu-
sion of importance of vote and women voters/
7. Voting Process persons with disabilities in the TARTIB-E-KHUT-
The first direct general election for the National BATH JUMA in all registered madaris under their
Assembly was held on December 7, 1970. As per board.
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