P. 280
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
PArt iii Township Voter Registration (TVR) - The TVR
ELECtorAL sYstEM allows for designated UEC agents to update reg-
istrants information right from their township.
Central Voter Registration (CVR) - Township-lev-
(A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy el data was sent to the CVR database for sani-
tization, to ensure that there were no duplicates,
1. Name of the EMB(S)
Union Election Commission (UEC) overwrites, or formatting error.
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
2. Website Address Identity Card
Voter Id Card
3. Nature of EMB
Independent 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
4. No. of Members in EMB
Minimum 5 6. Voting Method
Manual marking of Ballot papers
5. Terms of office
Not Specified 7. Voting Process
6. EMB Members selected by Only a person whose name is registered on the
President voter list is eligible to cast a vote. The voter has
to bring any identification card to the polling sta-
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority tion to be identified. Voters receive a voter slip in
President advance of Election Day to a) guarantee the abil-
ity to vote even if they do not have identification;
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB b) ensure timely identification and voting; and c)
General elections, local elections for municipali- allow the modification or correction of voter in-
ties and elections held for ward and village tract formation (corrections are made on voter slips
by voters themselves and necessary actions are
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) carried out later by relevant sub commissions).
The Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law of March 2010 On Election Day, the voter has to cast a vote for
a candidate of each House of Parliaments (the
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS Amoyotha Hluttaw, the Pyithu Hluttaw and the
State/Region Hluttaw). After the voter casts a
1. Total Population vote, her/his fingernail is marked with indelible
Total: 56 Million (Oct., 2019) ink. The candidate who gets the majorityof votes
Male: 28 Million Female: 28 Million
is elected. A run-off election is held, in the case
2. Registered Electors of a tie.
Total: 34.3 Million (Nov., 2015)
8. Method of Electoral Dispute resolution
3. Method of voter registration Four main recommendations on the existing
Myanmar UEC (Union Election Commission) built a mechanisms for electoral dispute resolution ad-
series of desktop and offline-capable web apps to dressed a number of concerns related to fair pro-
securely manage the 35 million registrants for the cedures, timely remedies, access to justice, and
first democratic elections in Myanmar in 25 years. independence of election tribunals.
Features of the App: In its Strategic Plan 2019- 2022, Strategic Pillar 6,
Check my name - An online platform for citizens the UEC aims at enhancing the transparency of the
to check their voter registration status. dispute resolution process. According to its objec-
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