P. 277

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  4.  No. of Members in EMB                              6.  Voting Method
                      9                                                      Manual  marking  of  Ballot  papers  with  electronic
                                                                             vote counting machine
                  5.  Terms of office
                      6 Years                                            7.  Voting Process
                                                                             Polling starts from 7 am and closes at 10 pm. When
                  6.  EMB Members selected by                                a voter arrives at the polling station, the authorized
                      Legislature, Judiciary, President                      staff of the state administrative authority checks
                                                                             the fingerprint of the voter and also checks the vot-
                  7.  Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                     er’s data against the voter’s registration in the civil
                      Legislature                                            registration  national  database  and  the  electronic
                                                                             copy  of  the  voter  list.  If  the  fingerprint  matches,
                  8.  Names of Elections conducted by EMB                    a voter registration bill is given to the voter along
                      Elections of Parliament, President and referendum      with a ballot paper. The voter manually marks the
                                                                             ballot  with  black  permanent  marker  by  shadings
                  9.  Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                     the oval corresponding to candidate of choice. The
                      Law on Election (2015), Law on the State Great Hu-     ballots are counted by Precinct Count Optical Scan
                      ral Election (2019)                                    (PCOS) machines at polling stations. The scanning

                (C) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        machine requires only 25 percent shading of ovals.
                                                                             Once the voting is closed, votes are tallied auto-
                  1.  Total Population                                       matically  and  results  are  transmitted  via  mobile
                      Total: 3.2 Million (Feb., 2020), Male: 1.6 Million, Fe-  network after being printed and signed by polling
                      male: 1.6 Million
                                                                             officers and observers.
                  2.  Registered Electors                                8.  Method of electoral Dispute resolution
                      Total: 2.2 Million (June, 2016)
                                                                         9.  Voter Education system
                  3.  Method of voter registration
                      Primary method used for registration is finger print
                      based system and secondary method is National
                      Id Card based registration for emergency  (system
                      gives additional signal and shows voters’ picture
                      on the screen for observers)

                                                                             GEC releases election related videos and posters
                                                                             on election related information to encourage vot-
                                                                             ers education in election year through media out-
                                                                             lets and social network channels.
                  4.  Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo               Implemented young voter programs schools and
                    Identity Card                                            universities in 2019. However, do not have any pe-
                      Electronic Id Card
                                                                             riodic activities dedicated to voter education.
                  5.  Voter turnout in last National Elections

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