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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
5. Terms of office lars specified in subsection (c) cannot be obtained,
5 Years, The People’s Commission Majlis can ap- the Elections Commission has the discretion to
prove the renewal of the appointment for an addi- deal with such particulars in accordance with the
tional term of not more than five years. regulations made under this Act.
6. EMB Members selected by In addition to the particulars specified in subsec-
President, upon approval of Legislature tion (c) The Elections Commission has the dis-
cretion to include such further particulars as are
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority specified in the regulations made under this Act in
There shall be a President and a Vice-President the Register of Electors.
of the Elections Commission appointed from
among the members, by the members. Within for- The Elections Commission has all such powers
ty-eight hours of appointment of the President and and discretions as are necessary to seek and in-
Vice-President, the Elections Commission shall clude in the Register of Electors the particulars
inform the President and the People’s Majlis the specified in subsection (c) and the Regulations
names of the persons appointed. made under this Act. Furthermore, it is obligatory
on any individual who is called upon to give such
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB information by the Elections Commission, to give
Presidential Elections, Parliamentary Elections, such information.
Elections Of Council Created For Decentralised Ad-
ministration, Public Referendum Elections 4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
Identity Card
9. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the National Identification Card
Electoral Process in the country at National Level
with names of the Heads 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
No 93.25%
6. Voting Method
10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) Manual marking of Ballots
7. Voting Process
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS The poll is scheduled to commence at 8:00 am. The
1. Total Population candidate list and registers are kept and displayed
Total: 0.39 Million (Oct., 2019) where everyone can see them. The ballot papers
Male: 0.20 Million Female: 0.19 Million are sealed in a security envelope which is opened
15 minutes prior to opening of polls to determine
2. Registered Electors that ballot papers are provided as per requirement
Total: 0.26 Million (Apr., 2019) of the polling station.
3. Method of voter registration The ballot box is shown to all party agents, domes-
The Elections Commission shall prepare and tic and international observers, media, etc. present
maintain a register of electors. to confirm that it’s empty and later sealed.
The Register specified in Subsection (a) shall be The voter presents a valid personal ID and the vot-
cited as the ‘‘Register of Electors’. er’s name is confirmed against the register. The
voter finger is marked with indelible ink and a bal-
The Register of electors shall have the following lot paper is given to her/him. The voter proceeds to
particulars pertaining to electors: the voting booth and casts her/his vote. The voter
1. Full name 2. Date of birth 3. Gender 4. Perma- then drops the ballot paper into the ballot box and
nent Address (including island and Atoll) 5. Nation- exits the polling station.
al Identification Card Number Where the particu-
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