P. 269
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
3. Nature of EMB polling official in return of a ballot paper. The vot-
Independent er is then directed towards an unoccupied voting
compartment to vote in secret. Inside the voting
4. No. of Members in EMB compartment, the voter marks the ballot indicating
12 her/his choice of candidate/political party. The bal-
lot is then put inside a sealed ballot box.
5. Terms of office
5 Years 7. Voter Education system
6. EMB Members selected by
Legislature, President
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
Presidential, Parliamentary Elections
In 2017, the Central Election Commission of the
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) Kyrgyz Republic (CEC) and the International Foun-
Law of June 27, 2010 dation for Electoral Systems (IFES) produced a vid-
eo with information for voters that featured inter-
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS pretation in Russian Sign Language. A transcript of
the video is available below.
1. Total Population
6.3 Million (Oct., 2019)
Male: 3.1 Million Female: 3.2 Million
2. Registered Electors
2.8 Million (Oct., 2015)
3. Method of voter registration
Biometric Voter Registration
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
Identity Card
Voter Id Card A voter in Bishkek having her finger scanned as
5. Voter turnout in last National Elections part of the biometric identification process during
56.62% Kyrgyzstan’s presidential election, 15 October 2017
6. Voting Method
Manual marking of Ballots 1. Last Elections Dates
7. Voting Process 4 Oct. 2015
At the polling station, a voter’s identity is verified by 2. Future Election Calendar
polling officials through her/his biometric personal 31 Dec. 2020
data. The technology of identifying voters through
biometrics was introduced nationally in the 2015 3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
parliamentary elections. Yes
Once the identity is confirmed, the voter gets a
printed cheque which the voter gives to another
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