P. 268


                                             H.E. Şayldabekova Nurcan Karmabekovna, Chairman,
                                              Central Commissions for Elections & Referendums

                PArt i                                                 PArt ii

                  CoUNtrY ProfiLE                                        LEgisLAtivE sYstEM

                  1.  Official Name                                    LEGISLATURE
                      Kyrgyz Respublikasy
                                                                         1.  Structure of National Legislature:
                  2.  Government                                             Unicameral
                                                                         2.  Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
                  3.  Head of State Designation                              Jorgorku Kenesh (Supreme Council)
                      President Sooronbay JEENBEKOV
                                                                         3.  Total no. of members in each house elected/
                  4.  Head of government Designation                       nominated
                      Prime Minister Mukhammedkalyi ABYLGAZIEV               In  the  Supreme  Council (Jorgorku  Kenesh)  120
                                                                             members  are  elected  through  a  closed-list  pro-
                  5.  Capital                                                portional  representation  system  to  serve  5-year
                      Bishkek                                                terms. There is a five percent threshold for gaining

                  6.  Currency                                               representation. Parties are capped at 65 seats to-
                      Som (KGS)                                              tal.

                                                                         4.  Popular House
                  7.  Ethnic Groups (with %age population)
                      Kyrgyz 52.4%, Russian 18%, Uzbek 12.9%, Ukrainian      Jorgorku Kenesh
                      2.5%,German 2.4%, other 11.8%                      5.  Type of Electoral System

                  8.  Date of Independence                                   Closed List Proportional Representation
                      31 August 1991 (from the Soviet Union)           PArt iii

                  9.  Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution        ELECtorAL sYstEM
                      5 May 1993

                10. Language (s)                                       (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy
                      Kyrgyz (official)
                                                                         1.  Name of the EMB(S)
                11. Literacy Levels                                          Central Commissions    for  Elections  &  Referen-
                      Total: 97%                                             dums of the Kyrgyz Republic

                                                                         2.  Website Address

                **Draft. EMB has been requested to update the draft. Response awaited.  AS-10  248

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