P. 263
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
2. Website Address vote, except those declared incompetent by a court or those serving prison sentences, irrespective of
the gravity of the crime.
3. Nature of EMB
Independent Voter registration is passive and voters are includ-
ed in voter lists based on their place of residence.
4. No. of Members in EMB local executive bodies (Akimats) compile voter lists
based on data from the state civil register. Akimats
5. Terms of office submit voter lists to respective TECs twice a year.
5 Years
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral
6. EMB Members selected by National Identity card Passport
President, Senate, Mazhilis
5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority 77.4%
6. Voting Method
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB Ballot papers
Presidential, Parliamentary
7. Voting Process
9. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the Ballot boxes used in Kazakhstan are transparent
Electoral Process in the country at National Level in order to defend against ballot box stuffing. Each
with names of the Heads polling place was equipped with both a large ballot
Territorial election commissions box and smaller mobile ballot boxes.
Precinct election commissions The latter are designed to be carried, by members
Territorial and precinct election commissions are of election commission, to voters outside the poll-
elected by the corresponding maslikhats based on ing place. This is an alternative to offering absen-
proposals of political parties. Each political par- tee ballots for voters with disabilities that prevent
ty is eligible to nominate one candidature to the them from going to the polls.
corresponding election commission. If within the 8. Pictures of Electoral Processes/Voter
deadlines set by maslikhat there were no propos- Education
als from political parties then the maslikhat shall
form the election commission upon proposals of
other public associations and higher election com-
10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)
Constitutional Act of the Republic of Kazakhstan
“On Elections in the Republic of Kazakhstan”
1. Total Population
18.8 Million (Oct., 2019)
Male: 9 Million Female: 9.8 Million
2. Registered Electors
12 Million (June, 2019)
3. Method of voter registration A man casts his ballot during the early presidential
All citizens over 18 years of age have the right to election in the village of Tuzdybastau, Kazakhstan.
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