P. 259
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
7. Voter Education system for different category of the involvement with the rest of the electoral depart-
voters Best Practices ments in the Arab resistance spot, with the support
Voter education for staffs and security personnel of the program by UNDP and the Arab Organization
working in prisons , staff and patients in medi- for Electoral Administration, which today compris-
cal hospitals -The law of the Iraqi election allowed es 10 Arab countries as a professional establish-
the voting rights to these categories. IHEC believes ment for technical cooperation and exchange of
that the legal right alone is not enough. The voter experiences between the electoral departments in
must have detailed knowledge of all the instruc- the Arab region as well as the cooperation between
tions for the electoral process in order to ensure the organization and other like organizations in the
the voting is done properly and for maintaining world.
the voting electorate. So IHEC has put smart plan
for the voter education process for these catego- 8. Pictures of Electoral Processes/Voter Education
ries through several measures like taking direct
educational lectures, advertisements in satellite
channels, publications and educational posters,
advertisements on roads and others. To ensure
the plans yield best results, IHEC, through election
educational institute in Iraq has held several tech-
nical workshops with the diplomatic staff as well
as for the staff working in the field of elections, and
also representatives of various civil society orga-
nizations, as well as agents and representatives of
political parties.
The Commission believes that ‘Candidates in the
elections and the electoral process as well as all
partners’ must be well informed on all details of the
electoral process in order to vote the right way. Iraq
today is a democratic country now since 2003. To
some extent the Iraqi administration electoral held
more than 10 large electoral processes, including
the referendum process to the Iraqi constitution
in 2005 which has gained Iraqi Leasing electoral
accumulated expertise in the field of labor in the
elections, where the United Nations High Commis-
sioner body provided technical support and train-
ing to Iraqi staffs at the inception. These staffs
have gained experience through continuous work
in holding the elections. Today, the Iraqi electoral
administration represents a model of professional
administration in the Arab region. It has the oldest
electoral administration in the Arab region and has
great staff with extensive experience in the field of
work as well as in the field of education.
It has built electoral capacity through electoral edu-
cation institute of the Iraqi electoral administration.
It is worth mentioning that this status enjoyed by
the Iraqi electoral administration has been based on
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