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Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
Voters who are physically handicapped may re- It contains various material about Indonesia elec-
quest for assistance in voting from other persons. tion and democracy. This room /building called
In Indonesia, voting rights are given to citizens Rumah Pintar Pemilu (Election Smart House).
who have reached 17 years of age or they who less 9. Pictures of Electoral Processes/Voter Education
than 17 years but has married and has Indonesia
ID Card. Member of armed forces and police are
excluded as an eligible voter.
In overseas voting, beside polling station in the em-
bassies or consulates, voters might cast their vote
by mobile polling station or by post, which was sent
to the voters a month before the voting day.
8. Voter Education system for different category of
voters Best Practices
Educate a broad range of stakeholders and “spe-
cial” groups of voter about the importance of being
a voter
Women voters
First-time voters: “KPU Goes to Campus”
Voters with disability:
Braille template ballot paper
Technical guidance for accessible polling station
for voters with disability
Voter education for people with disability
Potentially marginalized voters. Disabilities Participants in Implementing of Simu-
Electoral information dissemination was provided lation Ballot, in the main Coutroom of KPU,
through the mass media and KPU’s website. (C) ELECTION CALENDAR
KPU has a module and socialization and voter
education materials especially for disabled voters. 1. Last Elections Dates
KPU has a spesific budget to educate voters 17 April 2019
with disabilites (brosure, leaflet and other education
materials) KPU collaborate with TV Station in 2. Future Election Calendar
broadcasting President and Vice President debate, 2020 for local election 2024 for national concur-
where in the debate there is also sign-language in- rent election
terpreter. 3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
KPU designed and produced electoral information No
dissemination materials in Braille format for voters
with vision impairment. 4. Compulsory Voting
KPU, from National to Local Level, design a spe-
cial room in an offices building or even a building,
function as a place for holding electoral education
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