P. 261
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
2. Special Voting facilities for the staff and patients vote in the elections in addition to security person-
in medical hospitals nel working in prisons where IHEC has developed
The law also authorizes for the patients in hospi- special procedures for them to vote on the same
tals and the doctors, nurses and personnel work- day as the vote of security forces, two days before
ing in hospitals to vote in elections where IHEC from the day of the public vote.
takes special measures for them to cast their vote
on the same day as the vote of security forces, and 4. Voting by staff Working at the polling stations
also the Commission is keen to prepare an edu- The staff which has been assigned management
cational plan for this segment in order for them to centres at the polling stations vote in the same
have good knowledge on how to vote at the special centers where they work according to a private set
voting centres. by the electoral governance mechanism. In fact
they cast their votes at the beginning of opening
3. Voting Arrangements for the staffs and security polling stations and then allow voters to vote so
personnel working in prisons and inmates that it does not affect their work for the manage-
The law of election rule also states that the inmates ment of the centres and the stations’ electoral pro-
sentenced for in less than 5 years are eligible to cess on the polling day.
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