P. 270
H.E. Raya Haffar Al Hassan,
PArt i PArt ii
CoUNtrY ProfiLE LEgisLAtivE sYstEM
1. Official Name LEGISLATURE
Al Jumhuriyah al Lubnaniyah
1. Structure of National Legislature:
2. Government Unicameral
Parliamentary Republic
2. Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
3. Head of State Designation Majlis Al-Nuwwab ( National Assembly)
President Michel AOUN
3. Total no. of members in each house elected/
4. Head of government Designation nominated
Prime Minister Saad al-HARIRI 128 members of parliament were elected from 26
multi-member constituencies in which voters cast
5. Capital as many votes as there were seats in their constit-
Beirut uency and the candidates with the highest num-
6. Currency ber of votes within each religious community were
Lebanese Pound (LBP) elected with a new electoral law instituting propor-
tional representation in 15 multi-member constit-
7. Ethnic Groups (with %age population) uencies while still maintaining the confessional
Arab 95%, Armenian 4%, other 1% distribution. However, the 7 out of the 15 of the
electoral districts are divided into 2 or more ‘mi-
8. Date of Independence nor districts’ (largely corresponding to the small-
22 November 1943 er electoral districts from the old electoral law).
Where applicable, preference vote is counted on
9. Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution the ‘minor district’ level.
4. Popular House
10. Language (s) Majlis Al-Nuwwab
Arabic (official)
5. Type of Electoral System
11. Literacy Levels Party List Proportional Representation
Total: 87%
**Draft. EMB has been requested to update the draft. Response awaited. AS-11 250
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