P. 271
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
PArt iii The interior and foreign ministers will call on citi-
zens to register at the above mentioned locations
ELECtorAL sYstEM with their national identification number, their reli-
gion and sect and their Lebanese passport num-
(A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy ber, if available.
1. Name of the EMB(S) 4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
The Ministry of Interior & Municipalities (MOIM) Identity Card
Voter Card
2. Website Address 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
3. Nature of EMB
Independent 6. Voting Method
Manual marking of Ballots
4. No. of Members in EMB
11 7. Voting Process
5. Terms of office As in 2009, voting will be carried out using official
6 Years ballot papers provided by the Ministry of the Interi-
or and Municipalities (hereafter “MOIM”) for every
6. EMB Members selected by district and distributed to the polling stations staff
decree in the Council of Ministers upon the pro- along with the elections material. The official ballot
posal of the Interior Minister papers will include the names of all lists and their
members. Citizens are registered to vote at the
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority place of their family’s origin, rather than their ac-
decree in the Council of Ministers upon the pro- tual place of residence. The election register does
posal of the Interior Minister
not reflect the demographic reality. This practice is
8. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the recurrently being criticised, but remains “untouch-
Electoral Process in the country at National Level able”. Citizens naturalised for less than 10 years
with names of the Heads can neither vote nor stand as candidates. Military
The Commission shall supervise the elections in personnel, including conscripts, cannot vote. The
accordance with the tasks specified in this law, in- minimum voting age remains 21 years despite
dependently and in coordination with the Minister several attempts to reduce it to 18 years.
of Interior and Municipalities
Voters have two votes: they vote for a list of candi-
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) dates and for one individual candidate on the same
Lebanese Electoral Law 2017 (Article 9) list (preferential vote) competing for a seat in their
sub-district (or the district if there are no sub-dis-
1. Total Population 8. Postal Vote
Total: 7.6 Million Male: 3.7 M Female: 3.9 M Yes, by Ballot Paper
2. Registered Electors
Total: 3.7 Million 9. Voter Education system
UNDP LEAP produced four animation videos ad-
3. Method of voter registration dressing women and providing them with all the
The ministry, along with the Foreign Ministry, calls necessary information related to voting and run-
citizens outside of Lebanon to register their desire ning for elections. These videos come as part of
to vote in person or online at Lebanese embassies a broader voter education and information cam-
and consulates outside of Lebanon. paign, that complements the Ministry of Interior
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