Page 80 - Conducting Elections during COVID-19
P. 80



                                REPUBLIC OF CROATIA
                                REPUBLIKA HRVATSKA
                            STATE ELECTION COMMISSION
                           DRŽAVNO IZBORNO POVJERENSTVO

                                REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE
                              OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA

                         KLASA:      013-03/20-01/57
                         CLASS: 013-03 / 20-01 / 57
                         REGISTRATION NUMBER: 507-02 / 01-20-14
                         URBROJ:     507-02/01-20-14

                         Zagreb,          30. lipnja 2020.
                         Zagreb, June 30, 2020

                                                         PRESS RELEASE

                                   U  povodu  Priopćenja  udruge  GONG  i  prof.  Branka  Smerdela koji u  javnosti
                                  On the occasion of the Press Release of the GONG Association and prof. Branko Smerdel who
                         iskrivljuju preporuke Državnog izbornog povjerenstva glede glasanja osoba koje su zaražene
                         in public distort the recommendations of the State Election Commission regarding the voting of infected
                         persons with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
                         sa SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
                                                           i s t i č e m o
                                                            i s t i č e m o
                                   It is true that there are no regulations prohibiting voting by infected persons but general
                                   Točno je da nema propisa koji brani glasanje zaraženim osobama no opće mjere
                         zaštite zdravlja i zdrav razum nalažu svakom tko boluje od bilo koje zarazne bolesti da ne
                         measures health protection and common sense dictate to anyone suffering from any contagious disease
                         ugrožava zdravlje drugih ljudi pa i kada se radi o ostvarivanju biračkog prava. t to vote.
                         not to endangers the health of other people, even when it comes to exercising the righ
                                   In considering this situation, the State Election Commission also took into account provisions
                                   Razmatrajući navedenu situaciju, Državno izborno povjerenstvo je uzelo u obzir i
                         odredbe Zakona o zaštiti pučanstva od zaraznih bolesti, kao i odredbe Kaznenog zakona, Glava
                         of the Law on Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases, as well as provisions of the Criminal
                         Code, ChapterXIX, Crimes against human health.
                         XIX, Kaznena djela protiv zdravlja ljudi.
                                   Nadamo se da osobe kojima je dijagnosticirana zarazna bolest dijele stav Državnog
                                   We hope that people who have been diagnosed with a contagious disease share the view of
                         the State of the Electoral Commission and that it will not therefore jeopardize the health of other persons
                         izbornog  povjerenstva  i  da  neće  zbog  toga  dovoditi  u  pitanje  zdravlje  drugih  osoba  što  je
                         which is also a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia.
                         također pravo zajamčeno Ustavom Republike Hrvatske.
                                  The statements we are reacting to now certainly do not contribute to building a peaceful and
                           balanced atmosphere on Election Day.
                                   Priopćenja  na koja  sada reagiramo  sigurno  ne doprinose izgradnji mirne i
                         uravnotežene atmosfere na dan izbora.

                                                                        STATE ELECTION COMMISSION
                                                                    DRŽAVNO IZBORNO POVJERENSTVO
                                                                         OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA
                                                                         REPUBLIKE HRVATSKE

                                                                                             Translation of the original script
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