Page 84 - Conducting Elections during COVID-19
P. 84
The Election Outcome and Its Implications
The Dominican Republic experienced a seismic political shift on election night. Once all ballots were
tabulated, the ruling Dominican Liberation Party (Partido de la Liberación Dominicana, PLD) was
handed an overwhelming defeat, nullifying any need for a runoff election on July 26.
JCE approves health protocol
for 5 July 2020 elections
The plenary of the Central Electoral
Board (JCE) presented the health
protocol to be applied in polling places
for the upcoming presidential and
congressional elections. Presiding
judge Julio Julio César Castaños
Guzmán made the announcement on
Tuesday, 26 May. The details are in
Resolution 53-2020. The protocol calls
for disinfecting the polling stations,
hand sanitizing of electoral staff and
voters before entering the voting
station, and use of masks. A distance
of two meters will be kept between
voters. Electoral workers will all wear
masks and gloves during the exercise
of their duties.
Castaños Guzmán says the health
protocol follows the recommendations
of political parties and international
organizations. He mentioned the World
Health Organization (WHO), the Pan
American Health Organization (PAHO),
as well as the recommendations of
the International Foundation for the
Advising of Electoral Systems (IFES),
the Inter-American Union of Electoral
Bodies (UNIORE), and the National
Election Commission of The Republic
of Korea.