Page 86 - Conducting Elections during COVID-19
P. 86


                      VIEWED: Decree No. 161-20, of May 17, 2020, through which It extends the curfew throughout the
                      national territory until the 1st.June of the current year, from Monday to Saturday from 7:00 p.m. m. at
                      5:00 a.m. m. and Sundays from 5:00 p.m. at 5:00 a.m.

                      SEEN:  Resolution No. 42-2020, dated  April 13, 2020, issued by  the Central Electoral Board, on
                      postponement due to force higher due to health emergency than general ordinary elections presidential,
                      senatorial and deputations of the Republic Dominican.
                      VIEWS: Considerations for Establishing a ~ rotodlo for Holding Elections in the Context of a Health
                      Crisis, recommended by the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights(IIHR / CAPEL), April 2020.
                      VIEWS: Suggestions from  the National Election Commission of  The Republic Of Korea (National
                      Election Commission of the Republic Korea) dated April 15, 2020.
                      SEEN: Suggestions to the Health Protocol in the Elections of Dominican Republic, recommended by
                      the Organization Pan American Health (PAHO), dated May 13, 2020.

                      VIEWED: The technical document of “Caring for Health and Elections”, submitted by the International
                      Foundation for Systems Consulting Electoral(IFES) as of May 14, 2020.

                      VIEWS:  The suggestions and recommendations of  the Political Parties, in regarding  the sanitary

                      WHEREAS: That the Dominican Constitution establishes in its Article 211: “Organization of elections.
                      Elections will be organized, directed and supervised by the Central Electoral Board and the’ electoral
                      offices under their dependency, which have the responsibility to guarantee freedom, transparency,
                      equity and subjectivity of the elections. “
                      CONSIDERING:  That  according  to  the indicated  Resolution  No.  62-20  and  Decree  134-20,  the
                      Executive Power is authorized to provide the restrictions, for a strictly necessary time, on the freedoms
                      of transit and meeting, in accordance with the provisions of letters h) and j) ofnumeral6 of article 266
                      of the Constitution and numerals 8 and 10 ofArticle1 1 of Act No. 31 -1 8.
                      WHEREAS:  That  the outbreak  That  the infectious outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19),declared a
                      pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO),oris causing serious damage to the health of the
                      population, affecting the life and economy, both in our country and around the world.

                      CONSIDERING: That the Constitution of the Republic, provides in itsArticle61, the following: “Right
                      to health. Everyone has right to comprehensive health. In consecuense:1) The State must ensure /
                      protecting the health of all people, access to waterdrinking, improvement of food, health services,
                      hygienic conditions, environmental sanitation, as well as seeking the means for the prevention and
                      treatment of all diseases(...) “.
                      CONSIDERING:  That  within  the  sanitary  measures  adopted,  the  more  effectiveto  contain  the
                      expansion of COVID-19, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO), and assumed by
                      the Ministry of Public Health of the Dominican Republic, consists of reorder social contact in order to
                      reduce crowding Persons and in this way prevent massive contagion or transmission community, which
                      requires establishing restrictions on the movement of people and crowds.
                      WHEREAS:  That  the drafters of  the  text of  the current Constitutionwere unable  to foresee  the
                      occurrence of a unexpected and potentially lethal event for the country and the humanity, as is the
                      COVID-19 pandemic.
                      WHEREAS: Furthermore, it is an obligation of this BoardCentral Electoral, take the pertinent measures
                      to guarantee  thesecurity of its electoral officials, of  the Electoral Military Police,as well as of  the
                      electors, the day of the elections.
                      WHEREAS:  That  the circumstance of force majeure of ahealth emergency, in  this case, has an
                      unpredictable cause andirresistible, creating unprecedented situations.
                      WHEREAS: The Dominican Electoral System does not foresee the Voting by mail, early voting and
                      voting by mail modalities.
                      WHEREAS:  That  the exercise of  voting in  the electoral systemDominican demands  the physical
                      presence of the voters, and in the currentcircumstances would put the health of the voters at risk, since
                      it isthe gathering of voters in the precincts is necessary.
                                                                                             Translation of the original script
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