P. 367
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
The total number of the elected deputies – 450. Of 8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
these, 225 are elected in single-mandate electoral Elections of the President of the Russian Feder-
districts (one district – one deputy), and 225 – in ation.
federal electoral districts in proportion to the num- Elections of the State Duma of the Federal As-
ber of votes cast for federal lists of candidates.
sembly of the Russian Federation.
4. Popular House Names of the Other Bodies Related with the
Gosudarstvennaya Duma - State Duma of the Fed- Electoral Process in the country No
eral Assembly of the Russian Federation.
Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) - Federal Law
5. Type of Electoral System No. 19-FZ of 10 January 2003 “On the Election
Elections of the President of the Russian Federation of the President of the Russian Federation”
are held under the majoritarian electoral system. Federal Law No.51-FZ of 18 May 2005 “On the
Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the
Elections to the State Duma of the Russian Fed- Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”
eration, senior officials and deputies of legislative
(representative) bodies of the subjects of the Rus- Federal Law No. 95-FZ of 12 May 2009 “On the
sian Federation, as a rule, provide for a mixed elec- Guarantees of the Equality of the Parliamenta-
toral system. ry Parties in the Coverage of their Activity by the
State-Run Public TV Channels and Radio Chan-
part iii nels”
ELECtorAL sYstEM Federal Law No. 67-FZ of 12 June 2002 “On Ba-
sic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right
(A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Partici-
pate in a Referendum”
1. Name of the EMB(S) Federal Law No. 20-FZ of 10 January 2003 “On
Central Election Commission of the Russian Fed- the State Automated System of the Russian
eration (CEC) Federation “Vybory”
2. Website Address Federal Law No. 95-FZ of 11 July 2001 “On Po- litical Parties”.
1. Total Population
4. No. of Members in EMB 14.6 Million (January 2020)
2. Registered Electors
5. Terms of office 11.05 Million (January 2020)
5 years
3. Voter turnout in last National Elections
6. EMB Members selected by At the elections of the President of the Russian
5 members are designated by the Federal Council Federation in March 2018:
of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
5 – by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of total 73, 578, 992;
the Russian Federation; 5 – by the President of the percentage 67.54%.
Russian Federation.
4. Voting Method
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority Manual marking of Ballot papers
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