P. 367

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                      The total number of the elected deputies – 450. Of     8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
                      these, 225 are elected in single-mandate electoral     Elections of the President of the Russian Feder-
                      districts (one district – one deputy), and 225 – in      ation.
                      federal electoral districts in proportion to the num-   Elections of the State Duma of the Federal As-
                      ber of votes cast for federal lists of candidates.
                                                                               sembly of the Russian Federation.
                  4. Popular House                                           Names  of  the  Other  Bodies  Related  with  the
                      Gosudarstvennaya Duma - State Duma of the Fed-           Electoral Process in the country  No
                      eral Assembly of the Russian Federation.
                                                                             Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)  -  Federal  Law

                  5. Type of Electoral System                                  No. 19-FZ of 10 January 2003 “On the Election
                      Elections of the President of the Russian Federation     of the President of the Russian Federation”
                      are held under the majoritarian electoral system.      Federal Law No.51-FZ of 18 May 2005 “On the
                                                                               Election  of  Deputies  of  the  State  Duma  of  the
                      Elections to the State Duma of the Russian Fed-          Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”
                      eration, senior officials and deputies of legislative
                      (representative) bodies of the subjects of the Rus-    Federal Law No. 95-FZ of 12 May 2009 “On the
                      sian Federation, as a rule, provide for a mixed elec-    Guarantees of the Equality of the Parliamenta-
                      toral system.                                            ry Parties in the Coverage of their Activity by the
                                                                               State-Run Public TV Channels and Radio Chan-
                part iii                                                       nels”
                  ELECtorAL sYstEM                                           Federal Law No. 67-FZ of 12 June 2002 “On Ba-
                                                                               sic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right

                (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy                                   of Citizens of the Russian Federation to Partici-
                                                                               pate in a Referendum”
                  1. Name of the EMB(S)                                      Federal Law No. 20-FZ of 10 January 2003 “On
                      Central Election Commission of the Russian Fed-          the  State  Automated  System  of  the  Russian
                      eration (CEC)                                            Federation “Vybory”
                  2. Website Address                                         Federal Law No. 95-FZ of 11 July 2001 “On Po-
                                                         litical Parties”.

                  3. Nature of EMB                                     (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS
                                                                         1. Total Population
                  4. No. of Members in EMB                                   14.6 Million (January 2020)
                                                                         2. Registered Electors
                  5. Terms of office                                         11.05 Million (January 2020)
                      5 years
                                                                         3. Voter turnout in last National Elections
                  6. EMB Members selected by                                 At the  elections  of the  President  of the  Russian
                      5 members are designated by the Federal Council        Federation in March 2018:
                      of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
                      5 – by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of       total 73, 578, 992;
                      the Russian Federation; 5 – by the President of the    percentage 67.54%.
                      Russian Federation.
                                                                         4. Voting Method
                  7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority                      Manual marking of Ballot papers

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