P. 363
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
part iii 27,628 European Union citizens and other foreign
citizens resident in Portugal.
3. Voter turnout in last National Elections: Total,
5,237,484 / 48.60% (Legislative 2019)
1. Name of the EMB(S)
Comissão Nacional de Eleições (CNE) (National 4. Voting Method
Electoral Commission) Manual marking of Ballot papers
5. Audit Trail(In case of use of EVM)
2. Website Address Not implemented
6. Voting Process
3. Nature of EMB
Independent body In all elections there is only one ballot paper (local
elections have three because there are three differ-
4. No. of Members in EMB ent elections: one White ballot paper for Parish As-
Actually – 11 sembly, a Yellow one for Municipal Assembly and
a Green one for City Council).
5. Terms of office
4 years The voting right cannot be delegated/transferred
to anyone.
6. EMB Members selected by
Supreme Judicial Council; Parliament (each one At the polling station, a voter is required to identity
appointed into a single list by each parliamentary himself by an official document with current photo
groups); government (one from each of the depart- or by other voters.
ments responsible for internal administration, for- After identity verification, a ballot paper is provid-
eign affairs and mass media). ed to the voter. The voter marks a cross inside a
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority square on the ballot paper corresponding to the
Supreme Judicial Council. candidate of his/her preference. Voting is not com-
pulsory in Portugal.
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB (C) ELECTION CALENDAR
Presidential elections;
Legislative elections; 1. Last Election Dates
Regional elections (Azores); Portuguese Communities Council – 6 September
Regional elections (Madeira); 2015.
Local elections; Presidential - 24 January 2016.
European Parliament Elections; Regional (Azores) – 16 October 2016.
Portuguese Communities Council. Local – 1 October 2017.
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS European Parliament – 26 May 2019.
Regional (Madeira) – 22 September 2019
1. Total Population as on Legislative - 6 October 2019.
10.2 Million
2. Future Election Date
2. Registered Electors as on Regional (Azores) – September/October 2020
10.8 Million by 31-12-2019 Presidential – January 2021
Local – September/October 2021.
It includes:
More than 1,500,000 of Portuguese citizens living 3. Compulsory Voting
abroad; No
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