P. 358


                                                            H.E. DORIN CIMIL,
                                                              Chairman, CEC

                part i                                                       tify  their  mother  tongue  as  Moldovan,  which  is
                                                                             virtually  the  same  as  Romanian;  23.5%  identify
                  CoUNtrY ProfiLE                                            Romanian as their mother tongue), Russian 9.7%,
                                                                             Gagauz 4.2% (a Turkish language), Ukrainian 3.9%,
                  1. Country Name                                            Bulgarian  1.5%,  Romani  0.3%,  other  0.2%  (2014
                      MOLDOVA                                                est.)

                  2. Official Name                                     12. Literacy Levels
                      Republic of Moldova                                    Adult literacy rate - 99.14%.
                                                                             Male literacy rate - 99.37%,
                  3. Government                                              Females literacy rate 98.92%
                      Parliamentary Republic
                                                                       part ii
                  4. Head of the Government
                      Prime Minister – Ion Chicu                         LEgisLAtivE sYstEM

                  5. Head of the State                                 LEGISLATURE
                      President – Igor Dodon
                                                                         1. Structure of National Legislature
                  6. Capital                                                 Unicameral
                      Chisinau in Romanian (Kishinev in Russian)
                                                                         2. Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
                  7. Currency                                                Parliament
                      Moldovan leu
                                                                         3. Total no. of members in each house elected/
                  8. Ethnic Groups (with %age population)                  nominated
                      Moldovan  75.1%,  Romanian  7%,  Ukrainian  6.6%,      Through  closed-list proportional  representation
                      Gagauz 4.6%, Russian 4.1%, Bulgarian 1.9%, other       system, 101 members are elected in the Parlament
                      0.8% (2014 est.)
                  9. Date of Independence and from which Country         4. Popular House
                      27 August 1991 (from the Soviet Union)
                10. Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution          5. Type of Electoral System
                      Previous 1978; latest adopted 29 July 1994, effec-     Proportional Representation
                      tive 27 August 1994

                11. Language (s)
                      Moldovan/Romanian 80.2% (official) (56.7% iden-

                * Draft. Updated by the respective EMB          EU-10  338

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