P. 360


                                                         H.E. Magdalena Pietrzak,
                                                       Chief Election Commissioner

                part i                                                 11. Language (s)
                                                                             Polish  (official)  98.2%,  Silesian  1.4%,  other  1.1%,
                  CoUNtrY ProfiLE                                            unspecified 1.3% (2011 est.)

                                                                       12. Literacy Levels
                  1. Country Name
                      Poland                                                 98.74%      Male - 99.28%, females - 98.25%
                                                                       part ii
                  2. Official Name
                      Republic of Poland                                 LEgisLAtivE sYstEM
                  3. Government
                      Parliamentary Republic                           LEGISLATURE

                  4. Head of the Government                              1. Structure of National Legislature
                      Prime Minister – Mateusz Morawiecki                    Bicameral

                  5. Head of the State                                   2. Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
                      President – Andrzej Duda                               Upper house and a lower house

                  6. Capital                                             3. Total no. of members in each house elected/
                      Warsaw                                               nominated
                                                                             In the Senate, plurality votes elects 100 members
                  7. Currency                                                in single member constituencies. In the Sejm, 460
                      Polish złoty                                           members  are  elected  through  open-list  propor-
                                                                             tional representation system.
                  8. Ethnic Groups (with %age population)
                      Polish  96.9%,  Silesian  1.1%,  German  0.2%,     4. Popular House
                      Ukrainian  0.1%,  other  and  unspecified  1.7%        Both the Senate and the Sejm
                      (2011 est.)
                                                                         5. Type of Electoral System
                  9. Date of Independence and from which Country             FPTP and Proportional
                      11 November 1918 (republic proclaimed); notable
                      earlier  dates:  966  (adoption  of  Christianity,  tradi-
                      tional founding date), 1 July 1569 (Polish-Lithua-
                      nian Commonwealth created)
                10. Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution
                      Latest adopted 2 April 1997, approved by referen-
                      dum 25 May 1997, effective 17 October 1997.

                **Draft. EMB has been requested to update the draft. Response awaited.  EU-11  340

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