P. 362
H.E. José Vítor Soreto de Barros,
part i 9. Date of Independence and from which Country
5 October 1143 (Kingdom of Portugal recognized
CoUNtrY ProfiLE by the king of the former reign of Lyon);
1 December 1640 (independence reestablished fol-
1. Country Name lowing 60-years of union with the Spanish crown);
5 October 1910 (republic proclaimed)
2. Official Name
Portuguese Republic 10. Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution
Latest adopted 2 April 1976, effective 25 April 1976
3. Government
Semi-Presidential Republic 11. Language (s)
Portuguese (official), Mirandese (official, but local-
4. Head of the Government ly used)
Prime Minister – António Costa
12. Literacy Levels
5. Head of the State 94.48% Male literacy rate - 96.29%,
President – Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa for female - 92.86%
part ii
6. Capital
Lisbon LEgisLAtivE sYstEM
7. Currency
1. Structure of National Legislature
8. Ethnic Groups (with %age population) Unicameral
Continental European homogeneous population,
but with great secondary genetic diversity as Jew- 2. Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
ish, Berberian and Arabian have stayed for centu- Assembleia da República /Assembly of the Repub-
ries and mixed with the locals; lic
Slavery abolition in the country itself by the middle 3. Total no. of members in each house elected/
of the XVIII century and a high miscegenation rate nominated
with locals in the colonies incorporated genetical 230 elected members.
contributions, mainly from sub-Saharan Africa, re- 4. Type of Electoral System
inforced with the recent immigration to mainland Closed-list Proportional Representation
during decolonization;
Since 1990, Eastern Europeans have migrated to
* Draft. Updated by the respective EMB EU-12 342
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