P. 368

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  5. Audit Trail                                             into a stamped (sealed) stationary ballot box. At the
                      Not implemented                                        latest elections – of the President of the Russian
                                                                             Federation in March 2018,video surveillance with
                  6. Voting Process                                          live transmission of images to the Internet was or-
                      Voting is conducted from 8:00 to 20:00 am local        ganized in the premises of 43 271 PECs and 2 775
                      time. On voting day, immediately before the time       TECs. 93,2 percent of the final protocols of elec-
                      of voting the  chair  of the  precinct  election  com-  tion commissions were produced using QR-coding
                      mission presents for inspection to all stakeholders    technology. Over 31 million voters cast their votes
                      (candidates,  agents,  polling  officials,  observers,   using electronic complexes for processing ballots
                      etc.)  empty  stationary  and  portable  ballot  box-  and complexes for electronic voting.
                      es, which is then stamped by the seal of precinct
                      election commission. Ballots are issues to voters   (C) ELECTION CALENDAR
                      included in the voter list upon presentation to the
                      PEC staff of a passport or the document replac-    1. Last Election Dates
                      ing the passport. Before issuing ballots a member      Elections of the President of the Russian Feder-
                      of the PEC verifies that the voter has not received      ation on 18 March 2018.
                      an absentee vote certificate, has not voted early.     Elections of the deputies of the State Duma of
                      Each voter is entitled to receive two ballots: one for   the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
                      voting in the federal electoral district and one for     Legislative on 18 September 2016.
                      voting in the respective single-mandate electoral     2. Future Election Date
                      district in which he or she has the active right of    Elections of the deputies of the State Duma of
                      suffrage. Upon receipt of ballots the voter or the       the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
                      polling staff records the series and number of his/      Legislative on 18 September 2021.
                      her passport or the document replacing passport
                      in the voter list. If, upon decision of the CEC, pass-   Elections of the President of the Russian Feder-
                      port details were pre-entered on the voter list using    ation in March 2024.
                      the State automated electoral system, the polling     3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
                      staff who issues ballots shall verify this information   No
                      with the voter’s passport. The voter then checks
                      the correctness of the record and signs a receipt     4. Compulsory Voting
                      for  each  ballot.  The  polling  staff  who  issued  the   No
                      ballots also countersigns on the voter list. Voting is
                      carried out by a voter in the voting cabin by mark-
                      ing both ballots with any sign in the square refer-
                      ring to the chosen federal list of candidates, and in
                      the square referring to the chosen candidate. Each
                      voter votes personally by placing the filled ballots

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