P. 369
H.E. Vladimir Dimitrijevic,
part i 11. Language (s)
Serbian (official) 88.1%, Hungarian 3.4%, Bosnian
CoUNtrY ProfiLE 1.9%, Romani 1.4%, other 3.4%, undeclared or
unknown 1.8% (2011 est.)
1. Country Name 12. Literacy Levels
98.84%; Male literacy rate is 99.5%,
2. Official Name for females is 98.23%
Republic of Serbia part ii
3. Government LEgisLAtivE sYstEM
Parliamentary Republic
4. Head of the Government LEGISLATURE
Prime Minister – Ana Brnabić
1. Structure of National Legislature
5. Head of the State Unicameral
President – Aleksandar Vučić
2. Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
6. Capital National Assembly
Belgrade (Beograd)
3. Total no. of members in each house elected/
7. Currency nominated
Serbian dinar Through closed-list proportional representation
8. Ethnic Groups (with %age population) system, 250 members are elected in the Narodna-
Serb 83.3%, Hungarian 3.5%, Romani 2.1%, Bos- skupština (National Assembly)
niak 2%, other 5.7%, undeclared or unknown 3.4% 4. Popular House
(2011 est.) Narodnaskupština
9. Date of Independence and from which Country 5. Type of Electoral System
5 June 2006 (from the State Union of Serbia and Proportional Representation
Montenegro); notable earlier dates: 1217 (Serbian
Kingdom established); 16 April 1346 (Serbian Em- part iii
pire established); 13 July 1878 (Congress of Berlin ELECtorAL sYstEM
recognizes Serbian independence); 1 December
1918 (Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes
(Yugoslavia) established) (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy
10. Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution 1. Name of the EMB(S)
30 September 2006 Republic Electoral Commission)
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