P. 370

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                  2. Website Address                                         abroad, in which case they are temporarily exclud-
                                   ed from the original voter list. Internally displaced
                                                                             persons vote at their place of temporary residence,
                  3. Nature of EMB
                      Independent                                            but have to reconfirm their registration every two
                                                                             years. Special voter lists are compiled for military
                  4. No. of Members in EMB                                   voters and voters in prisons and detention facilities
                      17                                                     based  on  information  provided  by  the  respective
                  5. Terms of office
                      4 years                                            4. Voter id card
                                                                             Identity Card
                  6. EMB Members selected by
                      Legislature and political parties

                  7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority

                  8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
                      Parliamentary elections
                      Presidential elections                             5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
                  9. Names of the Other Bodies Related with the
                   Electoral Process in the country                      6. Voting Method
                      No                                                     Manual marking of Ballot papers

                10. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s)                   7. Audit Trail
                      LAW  ON  THE  ELECTION  OF  MEMBERS  OF                Not implemented
                      THE  PARLIAMENT  (“Official  Gazette  of  RS”,  no.     8. Voting Process
                      35/2000, 57/2003 – decision of CCRS, 72/2003 –         The  Republic  Electoral  Commission  &  Electoral
            , 75/2003 – correction of oth. law, 18/2004,    Committee  conducts  the  elections  in  Serbia.  On
                      101/2005 – oth. law, 85/2005 – oth. law, 28/2011       the poll day, voting starts at 7:00 am and closes at
                      – decision of CC and 36/2011)                          8:00 pm. Votes are casted by means of ballot pa-

                (B) ELECTORAL PROCESS                                        per. In order to cast vote, the voter has to circle the
                                                                             sequence number written in front of the selected
                  1. Total Population                                        election list. After marking the vote, the voter drops
                      8.7 Million (Feb. 2019)                                the  folded  ballot  paper  into  a  transparent  ballot
                  2. Registered Electors                                     box.
                      6.7 Million (April 2017)                         (C) ELECTION CALENDAR

                  3. Method of Voter Registration
                      The right to vote is granted to all citizens who reach     1. Last Election Dates
                      18 years of age by election day and have a per-        Parliamentary elections were held in Serbia on 21
                      manent residence in Serbia, except those who lost      June 2020.
                      legal capacity through a court decision. The vot-    2. Future Election Date
                      er registration is passive. The Unified Voter Reg-     In 2024
                      ister  (UVR)  is  an  electronic  database  maintained     3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
                      by the Ministry of Public Administration and Local     No
                      Self-Government (MPALSG) and updated continu-
                      ously based on municipalities’ records, inputs pro-    4. Compulsory Voting
                      vided  by  state  institutions,  and  voters’  requests.   No
                      Voters are entitled to request inclusion in the voter
                      lists at their place of temporary residence and also

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