P. 126
sierra leone*
H.E. Mohamed Kenewui Konneh, H.E. Abdulai Masiyambay
Chairman, NEC Bangurah, PPRC
PArt i PArt ii
CoUNtrY ProfiLE LEgisLAtivE sYstEM
1. Official Name LEGISLATURE
Republic of Sierra Leone
1. Structure of National Legislature:
2. Government Unicameral
Presidential Republic
2. Names of the Houses in vernacular and English
3. Head of State Designation Parliament
President Julius Maada Bio
3. Total no. of members in each house elected/
4. Head of government Designation nominated
President Julius Maada Bio
Through plurality vote, 112 members are selected
5. Capital in single member constituencies and remaining 12
Freetown members are elected by indirect vote.
6. Currency 4. Popular House
New Leone (SLL) Parliament
7. Ethnic Groups (with %age population) 5. Type of Electoral System
Temne 35.5%, Mende 33.2%, Limba 6.4%, FPTP
Kono 4.4%, Fullah 3.4%, Loko 2.9%, Koran-
ko 2.8%, Sherbro 2.6%, Mandingo 2.4%, Creole PArt iii
1.2%, other Sierra Leone 4.7%, other foreign 0.3%, ELECtorAL sYstEM
unspecified 0.2%
8. Date of Independence (A) ELECTION MANAGEMENT BODy
27 April 1961 (from Britain)
1. Name of the EMB(S)
9. Date of adoption of Democratic Constitution National Electoral Commission-NEC Political Par-
ties Registration Commission -PPRC
10. Language (s)
English (official) 2. Website Address,
11. Literacy Levels
Male: 51.65% Female: 34.85 % 3. Nature of EMB
Total: 43.21% (2018) Independent,
* Draft. Updated by the respective EMB AF-26 106
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