P. 129

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                      Responsible  for  the  Delimitation  of  Electoral    The  number  of  ballots  inside  the  ballot  box  in
                        constituency and Ward                                  Row H
                      Facilitate the observation , monitoring, and eval-    Record discrepancy if any in Row I
                        uation of all Public Elections                       Sorting Steps
                      Conduct  Electoral Education  and  promote            The Presiding Officer makes three signs exam-
                        knowledge  of sound  democratic  election  pro-        ple:(Kamara, Samura Mathew Wilson), (Bio, Ju-
                        cesses                                                 lius Maada) and  (invalid)

                  4. Number of political parties                             Place the three signs on the table and start the
                      17                                                       sorting process

                                                                             Counting the votes
                  5. Number of polling stations
                      111,122 (2018 elections)                               Presiding Officer counts the votes for each can-
                                                                               didate and write the result in Section B in the Re-
                  6. Election system                                           sults Reconciliation Form (RRF).
                      Presidential : direct vote, 55% of valid votes         Fill in Rows (J,K,L and M).
                      Parliamentary : First Past the Post Local elections    Ask the Political Parties Agents and observers to
                      : First Past the Post
                                                                               sign the Results Reconciliation Form (RRF)
                  7. Opening and closing time of polling stations            Gives out a copy to the Political Parties Agents
                      Opening: 7 am           Closing: 5 pm                  The Presiding Officer (PO) MUST sign and stamp
                                                                               the Results Reconciliation Form (RRF)
                  8. Counting process
                     Preparation for counting                            9. How long does it take to announce voting results
                                                                             Around 2 weeks
                      At the closure of polls, all polling materials are
                        packed away (temporarily not sealed) including
                        unused ballot papers, stubs of used ballot pa-
                        pers and stamps

                      Counting Steps
                      No Screening or Reunification steps is needed
                      Presiding Officer (PO) completes the Reconcilia-
                        tion step, fill out Section A of the Results Recon-
                        ciliation Form (RRF) as follows
                      Before opening the ballot box Presiding Officer
                        (PO) records:
                      The number of received ballot papers in Row D,
                        unused ballot papers in Row E, and spoiled ballot
                        papers in Row G.
                      After  opening  the  ballot  box  Presiding  Officer
                        (PO) records:

                 Information on elections  # seats          Term of        # candidates / political parties    #districts
                 Presidential Elections   1                 5              16/17                               1

                 Parliamentary            146               5              795/17                              16
                 Local government         446               4              2623/17                             16

                                                                AF-26  109

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