P. 129
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
Responsible for the Delimitation of Electoral The number of ballots inside the ballot box in
constituency and Ward Row H
Facilitate the observation , monitoring, and eval- Record discrepancy if any in Row I
uation of all Public Elections Sorting Steps
Conduct Electoral Education and promote The Presiding Officer makes three signs exam-
knowledge of sound democratic election pro- ple:(Kamara, Samura Mathew Wilson), (Bio, Ju-
cesses lius Maada) and (invalid)
4. Number of political parties Place the three signs on the table and start the
17 sorting process
Counting the votes
5. Number of polling stations
111,122 (2018 elections) Presiding Officer counts the votes for each can-
didate and write the result in Section B in the Re-
6. Election system sults Reconciliation Form (RRF).
Presidential : direct vote, 55% of valid votes Fill in Rows (J,K,L and M).
Parliamentary : First Past the Post Local elections Ask the Political Parties Agents and observers to
: First Past the Post
sign the Results Reconciliation Form (RRF)
7. Opening and closing time of polling stations Gives out a copy to the Political Parties Agents
Opening: 7 am Closing: 5 pm The Presiding Officer (PO) MUST sign and stamp
the Results Reconciliation Form (RRF)
8. Counting process
Preparation for counting 9. How long does it take to announce voting results
Around 2 weeks
At the closure of polls, all polling materials are
packed away (temporarily not sealed) including
unused ballot papers, stubs of used ballot pa-
pers and stamps
Counting Steps
No Screening or Reunification steps is needed
Presiding Officer (PO) completes the Reconcilia-
tion step, fill out Section A of the Results Recon-
ciliation Form (RRF) as follows
Before opening the ballot box Presiding Officer
(PO) records:
The number of received ballot papers in Row D,
unused ballot papers in Row E, and spoiled ballot
papers in Row G.
After opening the ballot box Presiding Officer
(PO) records:
Information on elections # seats Term of # candidates / political parties #districts
Presidential Elections 1 5 16/17 1
Parliamentary 146 5 795/17 16
Local government 446 4 2623/17 16
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