P. 127
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
4. No. of Members in EMB ARO 1 issues the registrant an automated print-
5 members in PPRC including Chairperson ed receipt.
5. Terms of office Registrant is directed to desk of the ARO 2 where
5 Years, his/her details, as contained in the two receipts,
are entered into the Registration Journal .
6. EMB Members selected by ARO 2 issues two registration receipts to regis-
President, by approval of legislature, trant and provides registration education on the
next steps: Exhibition and Issuance of ID Cards.
7. Chairperson’s Appointing Authority
President, by approval of legislature, Registrant exits the Centre
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
8. Names of Elections conducted by EMB
Presidential, parliamentary, Local Council Elections Identity Card
Voter Identity Card
9. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) 5. Voter turnout in last National Elections
The Public Elections Act (2012)
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS 6. Voting Method
1. Total Population Manual marking of Ballots
Total: 8 Million 7. Voting Process
Registered voter enters the Polling Centre with
2. Registered Electors Voter ID card
3.2 Million (May., 2018)
Present it to the Centre Queue Controller (PCQC)
3. Method of voter registration Polling Centre Queue Controller (PCQC) directs
Steps of Registration: registered voter to designated Polling Station
At the Registration Centre Registrant joins the Registered voter arrives at the Polling Station
queue . and present voter ID card to Polling Station
Registrant enters the Registration Centre and is Queue Controller (PSQC)
directed to the desk of the Registration Officer Polling Station Queue Controller (PSQC) checks
Registration Officer takes details of the Regis- voter ID card and confirms that the voter is at
trant to complete the Civil and Voter Registration the right Polling Station and ask voter to join the
(CVR) Application Form 01. Form must be com- queue
plete, accurate and legible Registered Voter joins the queue and finally gets
into the Polling Station and gives the Voter ID
Registrant is directed to the desk of the Assis-
tant Registration Officer(ARO) 1 (Data Entry Op- card to the Voter Identification Officer,(VIO) who
erator) checks for voter’s details in the Final Voter Reg-
ister (FVR)
Assistant Registration Officer (ARO)1 enters the Voter’s details matches with details on the Vot-
data from the CVR form of Registrant into the er ID card and ask voter to either sign or thump
Voter Identification Unit (VIU) 820 biometric reg- print against her/her name in the Final voter
istration device Photo of Registrant is taken and Register (FVR)
saved in the biometric registration device.
Registered voter moves to the next table and
The two thumbs and eight fingers (if available) of meet with the Ballot Paper Issuer (BPI), who
the Registrant are captured into the device. gives one ballot paper to Registered voter after
Assistant Registration Officer 1 confirms that a brief voter education on how to mark the ballot
appropriate details have been entered and saved. paper correctly
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