P. 123
Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB
3. Nature of EMB used to confirm the status of PVC. In order to as-
Governmental certain that the voter has not voted before, fingers
are also checked for ink marks. A tick is marked
4. Titles of Electoral Legislation(s) corresponding to the voter’s name in the voter list
Law No. 11/90 of Nov., 26 upon verification. Indelible ink is applied on cuti-
(B) ELECTORAL PROCESS cle of the finger. A folded ballot paper (printed side
inwards) with its back stamped and signature by
1. Total Population INEC official is given to the voter. The voter enters
Total: .21 Million (Oct., 2019) the polling booth and stains appropriate finger with
Male: 10 Million Female: .11 Million indelible ink to mark the section provided in the
ballot paper corresponding to her/his candidate of
2. Registered Electors choice. The ballot paper must be folded vertical-
ly with the printed side facing inwards before it is
3. Method of voter registration dropped into a ballot box.
4. Name of the Document viz Electoral Photo
Identity Card 1. Last Elections Dates
Bilhete de identidade (identity card) 23 February 2019
5. Voter turnout in last National Elections 2. Future Election Calendar
68.93% 2023
6. Voting Method 3. Are there any fixed election days/dates
Manual marking of Ballots No
7. Voting Process
Upon arrival at the polling station, a voter is re-
quired to show her/his Permanent Voter’s Card
(PVC). The polling official checks photo on the
PVC for identification purpose and also checks the
name of the voter in the voter list. A card reader is
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