P. 119

Brief Profiles of Countries, EMBs and Partner Organisations of A-WEB

                (C) ELECTION CALENDAR                                  date of their choice or his portrait. No ballot box or ballot
                                                                       paper is required under this arrangement. The presiding
                  1. Last Elections Dates                              officer counts the voters on the queue. In the case of the
                      23 February 2019                                 open secret model, it is a bridge of the two systems and
                                                                       the method is as described under polling/voting above.
                  2. Future Election Calendar
                      2023                                             Ballot Papers:
                                                                       At present  there are thirty political  parties in Nigeria.
                  3. Are there any fixed election days/dates           Each ballot paper carries the names and symbols of all
                                                                       the registered political parties. The names of the parties
                [1] Electoral College                                  are arranged in alphabetical order (top to bottom) on the
                A third model, which is not so popular, is the Electoral Col-  ballot paper. This arrangement makes the ballot paper to
                lege system. Under this arrangement, the leader is elect-  be unnecessarily large, because of the number of political
                ed through the combined process of open ballot and a   parties involved.
                series of electoral colleges. The electorate only elects one
                percent (1%) of the voters in the smallest political unit.
                Those  elected  now  constitute  the  Electoral  College  for
                the next polling unit, until the leader emerges at the ap-
                propriate level. This process often starts from the ward,
                through the District or Local Government Area up to the
                highest level, depending on the type of election. Nigeria,
                at one time experimented on this system, with the intro-
                duction of the Option A4 Model. However, this option was
                not thrown open to the entire electorate, but was restrict-
                ed  to  the  selection  of  candidates  for  political  contests,
                not for the election itself. The Electoral College system
                involves indirect elections.

                Voting Systems:
                Three types of voting systems have so far been practised
                in Nigeria. They are the secret ballot, the open ballot and
                the open secret ballot. The secret ballot system involves
                the placement of the ballot box in such a way that casting
                of the vote is done in secret, i.e. out of the view of those
                in the voting station. Polling booths are usually required
                in this system. The open ballot system depicts a situation
                where eligible voters physically queue behind the candi-

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